Welcome to PokerKing Partners…

The fastest way to convert your web traffic into money!

Why join PokerKing Partners?

PokerKing is fast becoming the online poker player’s favourite place to play and we would like to invite all Affiliates, big and small, to become part of our team.

We focus on Loyalty promotions for high volume players and an attractive game interface for players of all skill levels.

We encourage you to look at our unique features and sign up to become a member of our Marketing team.

As an affiliate of PokerKing Partners

You have the opportunity to participate in this incredibly profitable industry, regardless of the size of your website or even having one. Our afffiliate program has been designed to deliver reliable earnings and that’s why joining is such an easy decision.

If you are a web marketer or simply enjoying playing at PokerKing.com and own a website or blog, why not earn money while helping to promote the newest and fastest growing online poker site on the web?

Looking for the right e-Gaming partner?

  • Never Missed a Payout
  • Huge Earning Potential
  • Players Accepted Worldwide
  • On time payments
  • In-depth Reports
  • Multilingual Professionals