Give so much with so little.


Imagine a frantic, late-night call. A mother answers the phone to learn that her two sons have been in a horrific car accident. Her younger son is in the hospital with moderate injuries, but her oldest, her 20-year-old son, has been killed. Devastated, she learns that the motorist responsible fled the scene. There is no under-insured motorist insurance, and there are bills. Lots and lots of bills. And no one is there to help

Enter Pass The Hat

We help Whatcom County families by providing financial relief from tragic events. Tragedy brings more than just grief and loss; it also brings hospital bills, ambulance bills, funeral expenses and more. It’s too much to bear for families already facing heartbreaking situations.

How it works is simple: You sign up to give $2 a month, every month. That’s it. Meanwhile, thousands of fellow community members do the same, and your small $2 contribution becomes enormously powerful, helping local families.

We don’t rely on fundraisers, auctions or large donations. We rely on many people giving just a little. We provide a way for every person to make an impact, even if they have hardly anything to give. It’s simple, 100% local and incredibly powerful.

Slipping through the cracks…

When tragedy strikes, sometimes our community attempts to rally around a family and provide relief by creating a fund at a local bank or trying to organize events to raise money. For every scenario like that, there are many that receive no public attention ― where families face heartbreaking tragedies and slip through the cracks without help.

We want to put an end to that. And we can.

We’re changing the game

When most of us hear about tragic events in our community, we want to help. The problem is we often don’t know how or have much to give. Until now.

It’s only $2. For the cost of a pack of gum, you can experience the incredible feeling of true philanthropy. You don’t have to be rich, that’s the beauty of it. Our power is in our numbers. Every person counts, and the more people we have, the more impact your $2 makes.

Our mission at Pass The Hat is twofold: First, we help families. Second, we inspire people and allow them to become philanthropists by making it easy and affordable for everyone. That means you.

Join us. Let’s lift these families up. Let’s make a difference. Let’s Pass The Hat.

Aligning with local agencies and first responders, we provide assistance where the greatest need is identified. Meet our team and see the list of respected community leaders who are involved with Pass The Hat and who are responsible for distributing our funds.