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Fox Nation vs. Reality Volume II
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance

When Fox News debuted it was crafted from scratch to be a partisan outlet for right-wing propaganda and a platform for advancing a conservative agenda. Its Internet community web site, Fox Nation, serves as the online gathering place for Fox viewers to absorb and spread the aggregated disinformation and conspiracy theories hatched by Fox News.

Two years ago the first volume of Fox Nation vs. Reality was published revealing an Internet operation that was dedicated to fiercely partisan, right-wing distortions of the truth. Its mission was, and remains, to construct a safe haven for the broader Fox News community to reinforce their preferred fantasies and unfounded preconceptions. Since then Fox Nation has evolved into an even more sheltered environment that has taken on many characteristics of culthood.

Fox Nation vs. Reality Volume II: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance, provides an eye-opening look into the lengths that committed propagandists will go in order to fabricate an alternative political reality. And remember, Fox Nation is not some remote outpost on the Internet Superhighway. It is an integral part of Fox News whose executives are wholly responsible for the stain it produces on journalism.

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Trump Still Swears to Take Revenge on Political Foes Even After Lame Attempts to Walk it Back

The prospect of another four years of Donald Trump occupying the White House is a blood curdling notion that most Americans would find more nauseating than dinner with Hannibal Lector who, along with Jeffrey Epstein, has been making more frequent appearances in Trump’s stump speeches at his cult rallies. Click here to Tweet this article […]

POOR BABY: Trump Insists He’s a ‘Legitimate Person’ Who is ‘Under Siege’ in a ‘Banana Republic’

This week the Wall Street Journal published an article with a brazenly biased headline saying that “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” The article featured quotes and baseless allegations that were almost exclusively by partisan Republicans known for their tendency to shamelessly lie to malign President Biden. Click here to Tweet this article […]

In Desperation, Due to Guilty Verdicts and Flagging Polls, Trump Flip-Flops on Mail-In Voting

From the beginning of his misadventures in politics, Donald Trump has opposed any form of voting other than a same day presence at a physical polling place. He has insisted that all forms of early voting and mail-in balloting are schemes contrived by Democrats to contaminate elections with fraud. Click here to Tweet this article […]

Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

One of the most predictable personality flaws that convicted felon Donald Trump displays is his pitiful and persistent pronouncements of victimhood. For someone who is so obsessed with presenting an image of strength, he sure complains a lot about how he is so bruised and battered by his innumerable foes including those he regards as […]

Mob Boss Trump Threatens to Sue News Group Over Story Exposing His Mob Boss Activities

The legal tribulations of convicted felon Donald Trump continue to pile up even after he was found guilty of 34 felonies related to his “hush money” payoff to adult film actor/producer, Stormy Daniels. Apparently being convicted of falsifying business records, and financial and tax fraud, wasn’t enough to deter Trump from launching new legal misadventures. […]

Trump Threatens that His Cult Followers ‘Won’t Stand for It’ if He is Sentenced for His Crimes

Now that Donald Trump has secured his place in history as the first and only former president to have been convicted of felony crimes (34 of them), the next step in the process is the sentencing hearing on July 11, that will determine his punishment. Since this is an unprecedented affair, speculation about the sentence […]

Trump Verdict Triggers Marjorie Taylor Greene to Call for Banning All Federal Funds to New York

Last week America saw its first former president convicted on 34 felony counts related to his falsification of business records, and campaign and tax fraud. The unanimous guilty verdicts on all counts would have produced some measure of remorse in a normal person. But true to form, Trump erupted in the sort of denial and […]

What’s Roasting Trump’s Nuts? Jurors Believed Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, But Not Him

Convicted felon Donald Trump is not taking his convictions very well. The morning after a jury found him guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a sexual encounter with a porn star that threatened his presidential campaign, Trump returned to his eponymous office tower in Manhattan to do what […]

The Cult of Trump Received Their Orders to Recite the Pre-Approved Lie that ‘There is No Crime’

As the jury in Donald Trump’s so-called “Hush Money” case continues to deliberate on whether he is guilty of falsifying business records, election finance violations, and/or tax fraud, Trump himself is busy disseminating his thoroughly dishonest propaganda about America’s justice system being “rigged” against him by the evil genius, President Joe Biden, who Trump also […]

Trump is Predicting a Guilty Verdict Saying that ‘Mother Teresa Could Not Beat These Charges’

After six weeks of testimony, and the production of mountains of documentary evidence, the so-called “Hush Money” case, wherein Donald Trump is charged with falsifying financial records, as well as tax and campaign finance fraud, has been handed over to the jury for deliberation. Click here to Tweet this article Predicting the outcome of any […]

HYPOCRISY UNCHAINED! Trump Flack Whines that Biden’s Campaign is Making Trump’s Trial Political

The trial of Donald Trump in New York for his falsifying business records and campaign finance fraud (sometimes called the “Hush Money” case) is wrapping up this week with the delivery of closing arguments and the commencement of jury deliberations. Predictions of the outcome by all sides is pure speculation, but the case by the […]

Trump Makes Memorial Day All About Himself, Attacking the Judges in His Cases as ‘Human Scum’

For as long as Donald Trump has been a public figure, he has been known as a compulsive self-promoter. There is virtually no subject that he won’t hijack as an opportunity to shamelessly exalt himself or viciously malign his foes. This is especially notable on holidays when most of the American people are united in […]

WHUT? Trump’s ‘Legal’ Spokesmodel Whines on Fox News She’s ‘Not Even Sure What the Crime Is’

In the earliest days of Donald Trump’s political misadventures, he promised that he would hire only “the best people” He then proceeded to appoint dozens of officials to top positions in his administration who he later declared were unqualified, dishonest, and incompetent. According to Trump himself, he employed an army of imbeciles that he eventually […]

UH-OH: Trump Just Admitted He’s Guilty of Falsifying Records to Cover Up His Hush Money Payments

The trial in Manhattan where Donald Trump is charged with falsifying business records and campaign finance fraud (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case) is nearly over. Last week attorneys for both the prosecution and the defense rested their cases. Trump himself chose not to testify, despite having promised to do so on several occasions. […]

DELUSIONAL Fox News Host Remembers When ‘Blacks Loved Trump’ and ‘Wanted to Be Trump’

Political campaigns commonly make rosy claims intended to bolster the perceived depths of support the candidate has among various constituent groups. Ordinarily those claims are backed up by at least some kernel of truth. But in the era of the MAGA GOP, all standards of honesty have been discarded as what was once the Republican […]

Trump Brags that He and Putin are Holding Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich Hostage

The hatred that Donald Trump has for the media has been a core component of what passes for his ideology from before he was even a political candidate. And after he began his career in politics he escalated his animosity by repeatedly referring to the press in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” […]

Fox News Fans the Flaming Lie that Biden Sought to Assassinate Trump During Search of Mar-a-Lago

Now that the attorneys in the so-called “Hush Money” trial of Donald Trump (more accurately, the falsifying business records and election interference trial) have rested their cases, the disinformation agents working to exonerate Trump in the court of public opinion are preparing for the potentiality of Trump’s conviction. Click here to Tweet this article Consequently, […]

Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?

The bad news for Donald Trump is piling up as his trial for falsifying business records and election interference (sometimes known as the “hush money” trial is winding down. On Tuesday Trump’s defense counsel rested their case after calling only two witnesses, one of which was immensely beneficial – to the prosecutors. Click here to […]

Trump’s Legal Weasel Waffles on Whether Trump Will Testify at His ‘Hush Money’ Trial

Donald Trump’s criminal trial for falsifying business records and election interference (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case) may be approaching the end as attorneys on both sides begin to wrap up their witness examinations. The judge has tentatively scheduled Tuesday, May 28, for closing arguments. Click here to Tweet this article Among the most […]

Trump VP Hopeful, Stefanik, Goes Whacko When Fox News Reminds Her She Called Him a ‘Whack Job’

The race for who will be Donald Trump’s vice-presidential running mate is getting more heated as the election cycle proceeds. Names like Kristi Noem, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, Vivek Ramaswamy, Byron Donalds, Kari Lake, and JD Vance, have all been floated. And every one of them have been less than subtle about their craving to […]