Promoting medico-legal knowledge in all its aspects

Welcome to the Website of the

Medico-Legal Society

The Medico-Legal Society was founded in 1901. Its aim is to promote Medico-Legal knowledge in all its aspects. Its members are lawyers and medical professionals in roughly equal numbers, providing excellent networking opportunities.

The Society normally holds monthly meetings in central London between October and June each year. At each meeting, a well-qualified speaker presents a paper followed by a discussion which continues over drinks and canapés. 

You can view the full programme on our programme page. Continuing education credit for these meetings may be obtained from many organisations, providing excellent value.


Our annual dinner is held at one of London’s many professional or historic venues. By tradition, a distinguished lawyer proposes the toast to “Medicine” and a distinguished doctor proposes the toast to “the Law.” This year’s dinner will take place at the RAG – Army & Navy Club on Thursday 20th June 2024. Baroness Finlay of Llandaff will propose the toast to the law and Baron Faulks of Donnington KC will propose the toast to medicine. Please click here for further details and to book your place.

Please book your dinner place now if you are planning to attend. Places are filling up. The final cut-off for reservations is 23:59 on Sunday 16 June.


The official organ of the Society is the Medico-Legal Journal which is sent to all full members. It publishes the majority of the papers presented to the Society as well as original articles from around the world, case reports and correspondence.

The Society’s President serves for two years and is drawn alternately from the legal and medical professions. Click on NEWS to discover more about our current President.


at Lettsom House, 11 Chandos Street London W1G 9EB and by Zoom

Date:        13th June 2024


Speaker: Samantha Prosser, Solicitor, Managing Associate at Brahams Dutt Badrick French LLP

Subject: Whistleblowing in the NHS – how to best protect oneself from the costs and consequences

The Secretary will email the Zoom joining details shortly before the meeting.


Members attending meetings in person are welcome to join the President, Speaker and Council members at our usual reception with wine soft drinks and canapes. A voluntary contribution of £10 per person would be appreciated.


Recordings of most of our recent meetings are now available to members only via this website. To access them, click here.

Then follow the on-screen instructions. You will need a username (usually your email address) and a password which you can reset if you’ve forgotten it.


Unless otherwise stated, all meetings will take place at 7 pm at the Medical Society of London, Lettsom House, 11 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London W1G 9EB, followed by a drinks reception. For further information, see our programme.

Annual membership is currently £100 which includes the print edition of the Journal. To join click on “Membership” above.

The Medico-Legal Society is a Registered Charity, charity number 214508.