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MCCC holds 57th annual Commencement Ceremony

MCCC’s 57th annual Commencement Ceremony took place 6 p.m. Friday in the H Building. Family and friends of graduates filled the gymnasium’s bleachers until they were both full.   The graduates filed in with black caps and gowns on. Some wore sashes to show they were honor students, and some wore […]

Dr. Ken Mohney, professor of anthropology. (Photo by Reese Bowling)

Ken Mohney is archaeology’s ‘rare gem’

Even at the age of 55, Ken Mohney still likes playing in the dirt. The 20-year professor of anthropology, known as “Dr. Ken” to his MCCC students, said he takes any chance he can to go outside and put his education to work. “I love to go out into the […]


Title IX coordinators work to improve procedure
Information, awareness training to be made available for more people on campus

Administrators at MCCC want to improve the Title IX process by providing better resources on campus. Scott Behrens, vice president of enrollment and student success, works alongside Linda Torbet, executive director of human resources, as a Title IX coordinator.  Title IX, under the Department of Education, protects individuals from sex-based […]


Paranormal investigators haunt Monroe museum

The Michigan Museum of Horror is haunted, and I have proof.  In October 2023, I started working with Andrew Mcgowan, a paranormal investigator who explores and films haunted locations, which he posts on his YouTube channel “Andrew’s Paranormal Experience.” At 9 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 27, Andrew and I prepared […]