join children's author Maria Thermann for stories from the heart(h)


Maria Thermann is a bilingual freelance article writer and author. She writes mainly for children and YA. She loves to blog and is an avid reader of murder mystery novels. Sadly, she’s also an avid eater of blueberry muffins which tend to go straight to her middle-aged hips.

Maria’s first children’s book series features the adventures of Willow the Vampire, who saves the world (a lot) in rural , and entirely fictional, Stinkforth-upon-Avon.

Looking for something to read that will make you smile and your kids giggle?

Try Maria’s new book, “Linus & the Leprechauns”, a flight of fancy that will take young readers down roads less well travelled…and straight into the arms of adventure. What more could one possibly want from a splendid and very reasonably priced book at bedtime?

So watch out for new stuff coming up soon: such as  “Linus & The Blarney Stone”, where Linus and the leprechauns are getting into serious trouble on a camping trip to Ireland. Then there’s “The House Detective”, an adventure with run-away houses and a good dollop of magic that readers aged 8 – 12 might want to stick their bookworm noses into.

And then there’s also the Flippety Floppet, a small and very blue alien landing in the children’s book market any time soon. Really plenty for young-at-heart readers to enjoy, so just keep stopping by once in a while to see what’s new. Oh, and Maria’s also working on “The Little Book of Halloween” and “The Little Book of Ghosts”.

Boring bio stuff: Maria was born in Germany a very long time ago, but has lived in the UK for more than 30 years. As a techno-phobe she’s still trying to get to grips with social media. Maria is no longer on Facebook.

Samples of Maria Thermann’s creative writing and her book reviews can be found at:,, at and author pages.