Lightspeed: Edited by John Joseph Adams

Latest Science Fiction Story

Chaos Theory

I want to tell you everything. I should tell you that you’re the greatest accomplishment our people have ever produced. I should tell you that you’re loved. I should tell you that even when you finally receive this message, I will still miss you every day. None of that is nearly enough. When I first discovered you, I told a friend. I won’t record her hash, in case everything goes wrong, but I call her Ruta. We don’t use our hashes when we whisper out of earshot or in the safety of our own minds.

Latest Fantasy Story

Sparrow and the Parasol

Deep in the abyss of the Unholy Bazaar, in a shop that reeked of death and god-blood, Sparrow lay screaming in a web of rope and unbreakable silk. Around her, the Aunties bustled: sawing and rinsing and hammering; cursing, grunting, and muttering.



Latest Nonfiction

Editorial: June 2024

Be sure to check out the editorial for a rundown of this month’s terrific content.

More Science Fiction Stories

Udo Gehler and the Virgin Bitch of the Resistance

Udo Gehler saw his next opponent was the Virgin Bitch of the Resistance and didn’t even blink. He’d been curled up in his personal ARMOR lounge, holo-projecting the replay of his last match frame by frame, noting every instance he’d lost momentum or ceded terrain control.

(available on 6/13)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

The Help Hotline

The trouble started after my husband reported a strange Zoom call at work. The company he worked for was a tech company that dabbled in defense contracting. I know all tech companies make weapons, but I didn’t want him working on that kind of stuff. He never promised he wouldn’t.

(available on 6/20)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

Warning Notes from an Annihilator Machine

05.22.2028 — Dear Teejay_009: Today makes it a decade and a day I have been keeping tabs on you. I started by watching your mother, monitoring all her movements while she housed you. There’s no better time to relay this message but now.

(available on 6/27)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

More Fantasy Stories

The Waking Sleep of a Seething Wound

Dawn shot a quiver of cirrus that smeared like sunscreen across the sky. Bini had been awake for hours, back aching. She was too old for this shit. Mox still slept like the dead, her snores a regular wheeze. Hard to imagine Bini had once slept beside that noise every night.

(available on 6/6)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

An Otherworldly Cat Tells You the Secrets of the Universe

There are a near-infinite number of strange and marvelous worlds in this Universe, and in all of them there are Cats. I see that you are an ordinary person and not a Cat; thus, I can ascertain that you know very little about the Universe.

(available on 6/10)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

In the Hands of the Mountain God

The towering granite shoulders of the mountain god braced against the blue heavens above. Eero’s eyes remained closed beneath his glacial mask, his body swathed in a cloak of green trees. Halfway up the mountain’s body, jutting out of a gray cliff, stretched his wide, verdigrised hands.

(available on 6/17)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

The Weight of Salt

We’ve never been so busy. The cave where we work used to be calm and, if not entirely devoid of sound, then split only by the crash of waves at high tide and the occasional cry of a woman who didn’t listen when we said listen this will hurt this will hurt this will hurt.

(available on 6/24)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now