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Delta Airlines Settles with Flight Attendants for $16M

Delta Airlines Settles with Flight Attendants for $16M

June 7, 2024. By Jane Mundy.
Los Angeles, CA After almost a decade, Delta Airlines has reached an agreement with its flight attendants. The workers told a California federal judge that a nearly $16 million settlement, which will end their California Labor Code and Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) claims, should be approved because that amount will give California-based Delta flight attendants almost full reimbursement. Read More
VA Settles Veteran PTSD Suicide Lawsuit for $1.7 Million

VA Settles Veteran PTSD Suicide Lawsuit for $1.7 Million

June 5, 2024. By Anne Wallace.
South Bend, IN In May, the Department of Veterans Affairs agreed to settle a medical malpractice lawsuit brought by the family of Jason Moon for $1.7 million. Moon had served two tours as a medical evacuation crew member during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He shot himself to death in 2022 while at home with his wife and children. The medical malpractice lawsuit filed by his widow alleges that Moon had never been properly diagnosed or treated for severe post-traumatic stress syndrome at the South Bend Vet Center. Read More
California Judge Refuses $2.25 Walmart Unpaid Overtime Deal

California Judge Refuses $2.25 Walmart Unpaid Overtime Deal

June 4, 2024. By Jane Mundy.
San Bernardino, CA An unpaid overtime lawsuit deal between Walmart and 1,700 workers appeared to be close to settling for $2.25 million after plaintiffs were instructed by a California federal judge to fix deficiencies in the settlement's distribution method.  This second denial involves plaintiff Juan Garcia’s request for a $20,000 incentive award. Read More
Paramount Not Properly Paying Workers, Alleges California Labor Lawsuit

Paramount Not Properly Paying Workers, Alleges California Labor Lawsuit

June 3, 2024. By Jane Mundy.
Los Angeles, CA A class action lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court in California claims that Paramount Pictures Corp and its president Brian Levine failed to pay its movie crew members their wages on time, among other California labor law violations. Read More
5 Ways a Lawyer Can Assist You As a Car Owner

5 Ways a Lawyer Can Assist You As a Car Owner

May 31, 2024. By LAS Staff Writer.
Santa Clara, CA Despite all the positives that can come with owning a car, car ownership still comes with some responsibilities--from ensuring the automobile is roadworthy to obtaining and renewing the necessary license and beyond. Understanding how to navigate the automotive legal landscape is another crucial aspect to consider, and at times it might feel like driving through a maze without a clear map. Read More
CA Supreme Court Considers whether Prop 22 is Constitutional

CA Supreme Court Considers whether Prop 22 is Constitutional

May 29, 2024. By Jane Mundy.
San Francisco, CA Prop 22 classifies Uber, Lyft and other app-based drivers as independent contractors instead of employees. Now, after numerous appeals, the California Supreme Court is considering whether the bill is constitutional and over 1 million people in California could be impacted by this California labor decision. Read More
The Difference Between Rape and Sexual Assault

The Difference Between Rape and Sexual Assault

May 28, 2024. By LAS Staff Writer.
Toronto, OntarioThe question of consent is at the core of both rape and sexual assault, so affirmative consent must be freely given; any form of coercion or fraud does not qualify as valid consent. While people tend to view rape as something perpetrated between strangers, in actuality it often involves known individuals or family members and can even appear consensual; nonetheless it remains illegal.

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