RWA files for bankruptcy
Nobel laureate Alice Munro has died
The book sale of your dreams
3 book marketing misconceptions








by Karen Paul Holmes
The sonographer’s cool transducer slides / across jellied skin.
Lunch at the Blacksmith

Lunch at the Blacksmith

by Cornelia Nixon
I think at last I will give up the Blacksmith House. I’ve liked the place since college, when my best friend Celia and I would meet for coffee in those frugal, scrubbed-pine rooms.
The Tabbies

The Tabbies

by April Ford
These are cats of the developed world. Their litterboxes are freshened daily, which is the human luxury equivalent of taking a warm bath every day.
College Freshman

College Freshman

by Susan Trofimow
My daughter’s car remains / parked in our driveway / as it has each day for the past / two months.
Raiders of the Lost and Found

Raiders of the Lost and Found

by Mary Liza Hartong
My father would always play with other children at the pool. Not in a disturbing way, but just enough to make me jealous.
The Demulcent of Shame

The Demulcent of Shame

by Jason Prokowiew
I’m sitting by the edge of a lake, waiting for my husband to come and tell me we’re over, that I’ve bamboozled him into our marriage, and he can’t stay in a relationship with a fraud.


by Lee Martin
The president, Donald Trump, had been chosen by God, according to those who believed in Q, to arrest thousands of members of the cabal on a day of reckoning known as The Storm.


by Kathryn Kulpa
You gave up chocolate for Lent but it didn’t take. You aren’t good at saying no. Hungry girls want everything.
The Escape Artist

The Escape Artist

by Partridge Boswell
In the museum of trauma, you stand back at least ten feet from each painting. Out of respect for other patrons mainly and the tacit rules of viewing.
It all began around a campfire…

Beautiful language

is meant to be heard as well as read, and in fact words were vocalized eons before they were ever committed to clay or parchment. Storytelling began around campfires. We seek prose and poetry that continue the tradition.

Contributor Spotlight:

Love and Hot Chicken

by Mary Liza Hartong

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Best Writing Contests of 2022, recommended by Reedsy

by Stephen Parrish, with the editors of The Lascaux Review