Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® playgrounds | Outdoor play & playground equipment


Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® playgrounds | Outdoor play & playground equipment

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Let's create an eco-playground together

Our planet is demanding more and more care and respect from us - at Lars Laj we think about its future - after all, the most important thing for us is the WELFARE OF CHILDREN!

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wooden playground

Do you need a custom-made playground?

We design and manufacture non-standard play area projects. Contact us!

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two little boys
two little girls

We design and manufacture non-standard play area projects. Contact us!


News list

Education through interactionThemed playgrounds are designed with different professions in mind, offering children early exposure to a variety of life fields.

This International Earth Day, it’s important to consider what role eco-friendly playgrounds could play in shaping children's environmental consciousness. They are an excellent space to learn about nature and sustainable growth through play. Here is how to create a sustainable playground that will coincide well with nature and the future of our planet in 4 easy steps

As spring arrives, bringing life back into nature, it’s time not just for tidying our homes and gardens, but also for ensuring the outdoor spaces where our children play and thrive are well cared for.  


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