Highlights of our Work

Permeation of metabolic substrates across biological membranes is a fundamental process in cellular life. This process is largely driven by the concentration gradient of various molecules between the outside and inside of a cell. To meet the need for creating such concentration gradients in MD simulation, and to calculate permeation under natural conditions, we developed a technique in NAMD to continually drive permeant molecules near the periphery of the simulation box across the periodic boundary, which results in a sustained gradient in the center of the simulation system where the membrane is located. This allows for purely diffusive motion of particles across a membrane, enabling one to directly calculate permeability the same way as in experiment. Read more in a recent paper.


The Future of Biomolecular Modeling

A 2015 TCBG Symposium brought together scientists from across the Midwest to brainstorm about what's on the horizon for computational modeling. See a summary of what these experts foresee. Read more

Photosynthesis Unraveled

Go behind the scenes to examine the myriad roles Illinois researchers have played to explain photosynthesis: quantum physicist, structural biologist, forensic scientist, and computational biophysicist. By Lisa Pollack. Read more


Sparing healthy microbes while using a novel antibioticTajkhorshid receives Beckman Institute Vision and Spirit AwardElectrified PeptidesResearch Programmer Position



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