In June, Inman jumps into second homes and investment properties
Join us for an in-depth look at everything from the latest at Airbnb and Vrbo to the changes ...
by Inman Jun 1
It's time to replace work-life (im)balance with work-life harmony
Perfect balance may not always be possible, coaches Melanie Klein and Emily Bossert write, but you ...
Rates ease as inflation gauge moves in the right direction
Mortgage rates have some room to come back down in June after PCE price index shows annual ...
by Matt Carter May 31
Proposed law in Cleveland could take 44% of Airbnbs off the market
The law aims to ban all short-term rentals that have minimum stays of 30 nights and require owners ...
by Ben Verde May 31
Want a life of luxury? The 10 cities where it's a relative bargain
Some luxury markets, especially in dense, pricey coastal cities, have seen little price growth ...
by Lillian Dickerson May 31


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