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We are pleased to announce that the educational materials associated with have been updated and moved to the new Thinking Body Institute (TBI) website.  The website was launched in 2005 and provided information on the discipline to an average of 27,000+ unique visitors per year.  We retired the initial format because the design was not compatible with mobile devices.  If you would like to revisit in the future, it will remain accessible through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.  Click here to see the original site.

The mission of grew substantially through the development of the Thinking Body Institute.  The Education section of the site is the new home for the Essays on the Pioneers, Dance Generation and New Contributors introduced in, as well as an updated Bibliography.  The Thinking Body Institute Archive features collections of unique historical materials pertaining to the teaching careers of Mabel Todd, Lulu Sweigard, Barbara Clark and André Bernard, and TBI Exchange offers several avenues for staying in touch with current developments in the discipline.

Please visit the Thinking Body Institute soon, bookmark the site and begin to explore our new resources and services!