Hakai Magazine


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wake of a ship Featured

Quieting the Global Growl

Underwater noise from ships has gotten louder, reshaping marine ecosystems and the lives of animals that depend on sounds to eat, mate, and navigate. Can ships ever pipe down?

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In March 2024, we launched our membership program. For the first time since Hakai Magazine was founded in 2015, we’re asking readers to become funders.

For nine years, we’ve been able to offer you the highest-quality journalism for free thanks to the Tula Foundation, which has shouldered the full cost of doing this work.

Now, for the organization’s long-term sustainability, we’re moving away from depending exclusively on Tula for financial support.

Become a member—for as little as $1 per month—and help us keep telling award-winning coastal stories.

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At the Hakai Institute

Hakai Magazine and Hakai Institute are both part of the Tula Foundation. The Institute advances long-term environmental research from icefields to oceans on the coastal margin of British Columbia.

See more at hakai.org