How NOT to make a smoothie

Reading time: 2 mins I work in an office 3 days a week and, on those mornings, I prepare a smoothie to take with me for my breakfast. I make it the night before, as buzzing up a smoothie at 6am is likely to wake my toddler and I’d rather not do that to him, or my wife. So […]

The Guilty Father

Reading time: 5 mins It’s early Sunday morning, it’s been a ‘night’ and my plans for Sunday were looking a bit rocky. I was up early, drinking a coffee and going over all this in my head. I felt conflicted, and a bit desolate as I couldn’t seem to find a good solution. It’s something I’ve noticed creeping into […]

Busy busy

Reading time: 3 mins I’m almost approaching my first year at Allied Vehicles and I’m busier than ever but, looking back I can see how far things have come since I joined. It’s a very small team, in a very fast paced environment and a lot of what I’m trying to do is help mature our own processes. With […]

Open the mic

Reading time: 2 mins This is my first timeAt one of theseand I find myself willing, hopingthat it won’t be shitno withering on the vine But it will be shitsay the voices in my headloudly spokenfilling me with dread Stop looking at me, but please side eye me your approval slide it along the floorso I may stoopand bowing, […]

Our Gentle Parenting

Reading time: 4 mins It was probably a few months before he was born that I really started to read up on the various aspects of what being a parent would mean. We bought books, read them in-depth, made notes and held study sessions so ensure we absorbed every morsel of information we could. Except we didn’t do that. […]

Dad friends

Reading time: 6 mins I am very very lucky. I live with, I married, I have a son with, my best friend. We don’t fight (occasionally disagree) and we talk a lot about our thoughts and emotions, call each other out when it’s needed, we support each other, we hug, we laugh, we kiss, we cry. We are good […]