Web application development
Online E-commerce
charter booking systems

Web applications specialized for
Nautical and Travel industry

Web application development


Web Application Development is not an easy process. It is required to understand the application planning and then design & implement all the functionalities of the application in an integrated way.


Planning of the User Experience (UX) is a complicated task for designer to really get inside the system, understanding the goals and thinking through all levels of interactivity.


SEO is making your web application or website easy for both users and search engines to understand. Our job is to create SEO that will help search engines to figure out what each page is about.


We specialize in both B2C and B2B eCommerce. So, whether you are wholesailer or end seller we can create custom made ecommerce solution for you and help you strategize the best way to reach your customers.


Database is the starting point where a good foundation of integrated structure need to be set. With the right table structure and indexing, web applications can run much faster and use less resources.  Database is very important part of web application.


Maintenance of web applications and websites is as vital as the design and development stage itself. The web applications and websites need regular checkups and adjustments in order to enhance the technical functions and also to update the systems, applications and software following modern web trends.


We are a group of talented people with an unique approach to projects and with the main goal of
bringing real value to our customers.



We have more than 15 years of experience of working with different clients' businesses and operational needs in wide range of niches (mostly charter and travel industry), which allows us to recommend the most appropriate web development strategies.

  • objectives
  • understanding
  • research


Our designers work directly with the client to understand your mission, vision and your goals that you want to accompllish with the project. After we have assesed everything that the client is looking for, we will create an effective design for your web application or website.

  • wireframing
  • mockups
  • sketches
  • graphics and UX/UI design


Our experienced developers have deep expertise with Laravel PHP framework, PHP-based web application development framework with accent on speed, security and stability. Web applications are completely customizable and custom made by our client's needs. Frontend developers work closely with our UI/UX experts to make sure that your web application or website delivers its content quickly and flawlessly.

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • jQuery
  • Elasticsearch
  • API


After web application development and testing phase, we launch the project live. We make sure that Google finds all the links on the launched web application or the website throught sitemap. After the launch we use different strategies to bring the traffic to the web application or the website.

  • email marketing
  • cross-browser testing
  • revisions


We keep an constant eye on User experience, Google Analytics and Google Search Console (Google Webmaster Tools) from the launch of the web application. Depending on the feedback from users of the newly developed web application and Google, we can upgrade your web application or website and enhance its functionality on an ongoing basis. We make sure that all the content is unique.

  • analytics
  • split testing
  • performance audit


Web application or website is dynamic and live system like the business that it's working for. After the feedback from the users of the web application and the client's own experience of working with the web application, client's can see the need for the new funcionalities and upgrades. Mostly, our web applications are changed towards better user experience and automation of business processes.

  • new funcionalities
  • marketing
  • SEO
  • advertising


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