Luxury travel planning and management taken to the next level


"If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design" -Ralph Speth

Jasmine has nearly 20 years of travel planning experience and a lifetime of personal travel passion. As co-lead of Folden-Diaz Private Travel, she has mastered the art of designing thoughtful and exciting travel experiences for the first time traveler and the global jet setter and every client in between. 

The world is changed by your example, not your opinion.” -Paulo Coelho

Ryan has a passion for the magic of travel - The connection found between the journey and the destination - one that requires a departure from the known and step into the unknown. It’s making these connections for his clients that give him joy and fulfillment. Whether it be a quick weekend getaway or a life changing experience through Patagonia, creating the best travel experience for the individual traveler is key. And, the marriage between traveler, destination, experiences, and guidance - allow for the magic of travel to be felt and understood.

The conversation begins with you.

We believe that good design starts with great listening. So we want to hear from you! We arrange every travel itinerary with absolute purpose and impeccable execution - perfectly tailoring the world's best offerings, to your specific priorities and preferences. Where do you want to go? How do you see yourself getting there? There is no such thing as a trivial detail and there is always room for innovation. Let us elevate your travel experiences so you can focus on enjoying the journey. 

Our design services are retained per trip, annually or semi-annually. Please feel free to call us or click ‘get started’.