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Marchers stand in a crowd at a protest holding signs that say "War is Not the Answer" "Ceasefire Now" "Love Thy Neighbor"

Ceasefire now

The Israeli government has restricted food, fuel, and humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip. More than a million people have been internally displaced due to the fighting. There is currently no safe place in Gaza. Congress must push for a ceasefire and diplomatic engagement to de-escalate tensions in the region.

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Three women stand holding large numbers that spell, "80" in celebration of FCNL's 80th year
Taylor Monet/FCNL

FCNL @ 80

2022-2023 Advocacy Corps members smile in front of U.S. Capitol
Joe Molieri

Young Adult Advocacy

Spring Lobby Weekend Participants show Truth/Healing/Justice banner

Young People Lobby for Truth & Healing

Young people gathered for Spring Lobby Weekend 2024 to push Congress to establish a Truth and Healing Commission to investigate the Indian Boarding School era.

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Issues We Work On

We seek a world free of war and the threat of war.

We seek a society with equity and justice for all.

We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled.

We seek an earth restored.

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