Fast House Sales

Do You Need To Sell Fast?
Are You Facing Repossession?

You have more choices than you think...

Take back control, get the most money possible for your situation
and move on with your life as quickly and as stress free as possible.

You have more choices than you think...
We can show you how to take back control from the bank,
and ensure you get as much money as you possibly can...

Darren helps Australian families clear their debts and restart their lives financially (often with more money in the bank than they thought would be possible)…

Get in touch to see if we can help you.

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Let Go Of Stress

We take over and cover all your outstanding bills (to get creditors, debt collectors, or lawyers off your back).

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Make More Money

Rather than the bank take your house, we pay for and manage a complete renovation, so you can sell it yourself at the highest possible price.

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Restart Your Life

You get to immediately move on with your life, and “restart” financially (with extra funds in the bank).

Clients We Have Helped

“The entire process was all done within 3 months of our first meeting with Darren
– if we even attempted to do this without him there is no doubt in my mind we would probably still be there trying to sort it all out 6 months or a year later! We can’t thank Darren enough – we are so happy that we have had a house we were now proud to
sell and we walked away without any debt hanging over us. We are now able to
enjoy life and do things we hadn’t done in years (dinners out, looking at
booking a holiday) – Thank you Darren!!”

Brooke and Ben Williams
14 Amethyst St, Alexandra Hills QLD 4161

Clients We Have Helped

“Hi my name is Velma and I wanted to share with you on how Darren Webber was able to help us out. Before I found Darren Webber I was very stressed, confused and emotional all of the time. I am thankful and grateful that I have found Darren in the nick of time because nobody could have helped us out, not the bank, not my family and none of my friends. I reached out to Darren and he explained everything thoroughly and the process that we were about to take. Darren acted on my behalf with the bank and he took care of all the paperwork and everything.”

Velma and Brian Leuluniu
8 Eades Way, Craigieburn VIC 3064

Clients We Have Helped

“Darren took full control of our situation right from the first phone call, which consisted of 2 houses, arrears of $15,000, mortgage repayments of over $4,000 per month, with an interest rate of 8.6% – and the rental home was in need of renovations. Without these renovations we would never have got the price that we achieved in the end. Our primary home sold for $39,00 more than I ever imagined. And our rental property sold for at least $50,000 especially since we sold the property without renovations. So we were completely blown away both results.”
Kirstine Rawiri
38 Irula St, Bray Park QLD 4500

Clients We Have Helped

“When the bank was less than one week away from repossessing us, we realized we had no choice but to go with Darren, and now 21 months later we are so glad that we did. Darren helped us through all of the COVID-19 lockdowns, kept paying the bank and all our bills, and at all times did the best thing by our family.
After the house was renovated and sold, in total we received over $79,000 and have a completely clean credit history to start over again, and if it wasn’t for them we would have been for sure bankrupt with nowhere to live before the covid even started.”

Michael Haines & Amanda Cromb
3 Muirfield Close Cranbourne, VIC, 3977
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How would your life Look...

How would your life look like if all the pressure and anxiety you have around money and paying the bills just melted away?

If you could “restart” your life financially, with extra funds in the bank?

We help everyday Australians who are being forced to sell, or who may be in mortgage stress to take back control, and to sell their properties at a profit.

How We Help Our Clients

We Help Our Clients To Stop The Repossession Process In 5 Simple Steps.

Learn How You Can Get Out From Under The Overwhelming Pressure And Stress.

Take Back Control Of Your Life.

And “Restart” Your Life Financially – With More In The Bank.

Watch Our Quick Case Study Video To See How You Can Get The Best Result For YOU (And Not The Banks Or Lawyers).

Our Clients' Stories

(how much extra they got for their property after we paid for and managed their renovations)
Time Taken
9 weeks

Agents Valuation

before working with us

Total Cost of Renovation

(paid for by us)

Final Sale Price

“About a year ago I contacted Darren and Fast House Sales to help me in my situation with our house.

Unfortunately due to medical issues in my family we got far behind and I was in a situation where it’s very very worrying as the bank was going to foreclose. I spent a deal with the bank for 3 months which worked out fine except we were not able to sell it on time, so the bank was going to foreclose. And this is where Darren
of Fast House Sales came along…

Karl Rowland

1 The Pinnacle, Worongary QLD 4213
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(how much extra they got for their property after we paid for and managed their renovations)
Time Taken
7 weeks

Agents Valuation

before working with us

Total Cost of Renovation

(paid for by us)

Final Sale Price


“You the man Darren, cheers to you and
your team, that chapter is truly over now and the second half starts with a positive boost. Thanks heaps. Cammo.

He helped me move house and paid all my bills, and the result when the house finally sold was that both me and my ex received $62,265 each! This quite frankly has been life-changing for me and my daughter, and I 100% recommend you talk to Darren if you feel like you need help, thank you Darren, Charlene.”
Cameron & Charlene Whitmore
118 Cove Blvd, River Heads QLD 4655
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(how much extra they got for their property after we paid for and managed their renovations)
Time Taken
5 weeks

Agents Valuation

before working with us

Total Cost of Renovation

(paid for by us)

Final Sale Price

“Darren it was so great to meet you and Jeanne and I are so grateful and relieved that we are putting our home into you hands.
You have been outstanding with your support and amazing with your advice. We can not express our gratitude enough to you. We really feel supported and appreciate your assistance. Thank you is a small word and we know you have our best interests. The worry of 3 Moorgate is now lifted and we can move on to our forever home in Queensland. Warm wishes. Mark & Jeanne”
Mark & Jeanne Montagnani
3 Moorgate Ct, Rowville VIC 3178
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Want to take back control from the bank, and eliminate your stress?

Talk to Darren today.

Want to take back control from the bank, and eliminate your stress?

Talk to Darren today.

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Are You Confused by the Repossession Process?

Download our FREE checklist…
The 5 Stages of the Bank Repossession Process,
and What Your Options Are at Each Stage” …
To find out exactly what stage you
are up to, and what you can do to avoid repossession and bankruptcy…

Thank you for choosing to book a 'Free Consultation'...
To select a ‘Free Consultation’ time that suits you, please enter your contact details below and click on the orange ‘Next Step’ button…
Are You Confused By The Repossession Process?

Download Our FREE checklist… “The 5 Stages of the Bank Repossession Process, And What Your Options Are At Each Stage”

…to find out exactly what stage you are up to, and what you can do to avoid repossession and bankruptcy…