2024-06-05 : 36013 EMDB map entries, 20802 PDB coordinate entries RCSB PDB | PDBe

Unified Data Resource for 3DEM

Global resource for 3-Dimensional Electron Microscopy (3DEM) structure data archiving and retrieval, news, events, software tools, data standards, validation methods, and community challenges

Quick link: 2021 Ligand Model Challenge

Recently released EMDB entries


Paper Published on CryoEM Archiving and Validation Recommendations

A workshop was held at EMBL-EBI (Hinxton, UK) in January 2020 to discuss data requirements for deposition and validation of cryoEM structures, with a focus on single-particle analysis and setting community recommendations.

New Publication describing EMDB

A new publication in the NAR Database issue entitled "EMDB--The Electron Microscopy Data Bank" addresses the recent developments in the archiving of 3DEM data and the future plans for the EMDB.

Prior Support from
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of General Medical Sciences

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