Digital Edition



Planting memories

The Dodge City Area Women’s Chamber of Commerce invites you to smell the roses and enjoy the beautiful array of colors as you stroll through the Memorial Rose Garden on…


National award signifies Trinity Manor’s commitment to quality care

Submitted article Trinity Manor Care Center, a 5-star CMS rated skilled nursing community in Dodge City has been recognized as a 2024 recipient of the Bronze – Commitment to Quality Award by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) for its commitment to improving the lives of residents through quality…


Special Sections


AFL appoints Widman new president

On May 28 The Arena Football League (AFL) announced the appointment of Jared Widman as the League’s new President and Chief Operating Officer.



Planting memories

The Dodge City Area Women’s Chamber of Commerce invites you to smell the roses and enjoy the beautiful array of colors as you stroll through the Memorial Rose Garden on the Dodge City Community College…