Comic 1852 - Dealer's Choice

5th Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Dealer's Choice
Average Rating: 4.92 (12 votes)
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Ryu Santos 5th Jun 2024, 12:14 AM edit delete reply
I like how she has to remind them that its supposed to be a friendly game.
megados 5th Jun 2024, 5:13 AM edit delete reply

This begs the question: Is Galatea actually a high-end positronic, or are they just being led to believe that? Up to now, it's been sort of understood that the synth-brain is beyond positronics.

Re: alt text, I'm not seeing graininess, but a lot of stars! Must be one of the galaxy's swirling arms.
Some Ed 5th Jun 2024, 11:04 AM edit delete reply
Well, she's certainly not *a* high-end positronic brain.

That said, experience can mean a lot, and Galatea has had a lot of experience.

There's also the question of in what ways is the synth-brain superior to positronics? The people who decided that synth-brains were better may not have had the same priorities that you think they had or that they claimed to have. I could easily see somebody deciding that something that was easier to train, more compliant, and/or degraded at the proper rate for their planned obsolescence desires was better, even if the other model was better at thinking in some objective fashion.
Centcomm 5th Jun 2024, 6:21 PM edit delete reply

this is covered in the tech pages .. :D
Gilrandir 5th Jun 2024, 11:34 PM edit delete reply
The tech pages describe androids — with synthbrains — at length, suggesting no androids have positronic brains. The only discussion of positronics seems to be the small units found inside dolls. Then there is alien tech, which is … alien.

Robots such as Zero, and androids such as Galatea mk II, don’t seem to fit anything in the tech pages. On the other hand, we know that Galatea mk II was given a pleasing appearance and the illusion of being an ordinary New Troy android in hopes she would be taken inside the facility. So, in a sense, that makes her a ‘Trojan Horse’. ^_^
megados 5th Jun 2024, 6:35 PM edit delete reply

Within the story, it has been alluded to, that the synth-brain was superior to the positronics; that the technology was superior. I can't point to a specific page or comment, but the inference was that the synth-brain was the next generation of machine intelligence. I don't have a personal preference.

I agree that a simpler device is better suited to high speed repetitious work, while more complex operations require more involved devices. I don't know how training or programming is done in the DC universe, so I can't speak to that, other than to say that your statement seems reasonable.

My reason for my earlier comment, was that up to this point, I was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that the synth-brain is/was considered to be the superior technology, and here it seems that that is not so, or that a new generation of positronics has moved it beyond the synth-brain capabilities, or that they were simply misinformed.

Oh, @Centcomm posted while I was rambling. 😳
Rocket Fueled 7th Jun 2024, 11:38 PM edit delete reply

I think they (the shuttle crew) were TOLD she was a positronic by the bad guys. Perhaps to make her seem less threatening or to explain the fact she was inhibited (which would be illegal, in NT anyway).
Microraptor 5th Jun 2024, 8:59 AM edit delete reply

Sure betting your ship - ask Lando Calrissian how well that went for him! ^^
Some Ed 5th Jun 2024, 11:05 AM edit delete reply
@Microraptor: it's my understanding that went a bit of both ways for Lando. Sure, he lost a ship that way to Han Solo, but if I'm not mistaken, he got a lot of other things from his gambling.
PO8 5th Jun 2024, 9:39 AM edit delete reply
That "shuffle shuffle" in what only can be described as "the Texas Holdem Font" is kind of awesome, actually. Super-creative!
mjkj 6th Jun 2024, 12:08 AM edit delete reply

Well, Galatea sure knows how to deal...
Demarquis 7th Jun 2024, 10:02 AM edit delete reply
Never mind the positronic *brain*, Jim, you need to find some positronic cash flow.
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