College Financial Aid Advice

Looking for the best college financial aid advice for 2024? From grants and scholarships to student loans, we can help guide you. Consider us your free college financial aid consultant.

Last updated on June 2, 2024 by College Financial Aid Advice.

We have some great College Scholarship Lists that are free to browse, and we never request any personal information from you! For some fun reading and scholarship contests, check out our list of Easy Scholarships.

To apply for most financial aid, you will need your FSA ID and complete your FAFSA application.

Start early by researching school applications and financial aid. Learn about the financial aid process by reading our tips. The 2024-2025 FAFSA application is available now. Read more about FAFSA.

Are you thinking about using an AI tool like ChatGPT to write your college essay? Think again. See what happened when we used ChatGPT to write a college essay, and used ChatGPT to edit a college essay.

College Student Loans

A college education is one of the biggest investments you will make for your future, or your child’s future. How will YOU pay for college?

There are many ways to fund your college education including:

college savings accounts

student loans

scholarships and grants

student jobs

tax credits

We can help guide you through your choices, so you can choose the best options for you.

College Scholarships and Grants

If you want help paying for college, it all starts with FAFSA - the Free Application for Student Aid. Learn all about the FAFSA and how to get started early with your FAFSA PIN number and more tips.

Many recent college graduates are finding it difficult to find jobs that pay enough to allow them to pay their student loans. If you are looking for advice about loan deferment, loan forgiveness, or loan consolidation, check out some of our tips.

Browse our popular scholarships or check at your financial aid office for more scholarships and grants offered locally or through your college. It's never too late to enter some scholarship contests. Scholarship Contests

College Loan Consolidation

College Financial Aid Advice offers advice for students needing money for college at colleges and universities in the United States, including the following US states and territories: Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Marianas Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming


Welcome to College Financial Aid Advice, a website full of information on scholarships and grants, student loans, and other ways to save money at college.

Important Things to Do

Scholarships for 2025 - 2026 - It is never too early or too late to work on your scholarship searches. If you are part of the high school class of 2025, you should work on your scholarship and college search now. See our list of Scholarships for High School Seniors

FAFSA - The official 2024 - 2025 FAFSA is available now. FAFSA.

College Financial Aid Tips

Scholarship Lists An overview of the different types of Scholarship Money for College.

Grants Learn more about grants, the other free money for college.

Need Tuition Help? Reduce the cost of tuition with these college Tuition Assistance Programs.

Tax Credit Claim the American Opportunity Tax Credit.

College Savings Plans Save money for college with these College Savings Plans.

Need a Student Loan? Yes, you qualify for these college Student Loans.

Popular Scholarship Searches

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Easy Scholarships

Scholarship Contests

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Merit Based Scholarships

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