

Canadian Immigration Trends: Decline in New Permanent Resident Numbers

Discover the latest trends in Canadian immigration with a notable decline in permanent residency applications. Explore the impact on provinces, economic programs, and future projections.

Quebec Temporary Immigration Freeze Proposal: Addressing Housing Affordability Crisis

Learn about the Parti Québécois' call to halt temporary immigration in Quebec, its impact on housing affordability, and the province's complex immigration policy landscape.

Rethinking Canada Immigration Policy With A Focus On Citizenship

In a recent panel discussion at the Canada Strong and Free Network conference in Ottawa, Conservative immigration critic Tom Kmiec voiced concerns over the surge in temporary residents entering Canada. Instead, he advocated for a policy shift towards prioritizing citizenship as the ultimate goal, emphasizing the importance of integrating newcomers into Canadian society


Top 10 Best Cities For Technology Jobs in Canada

Canada immigration news: Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, the Waterloo region and Montreal are the best places to find technology jobs in Canada, according to a...

Marc Miller Says Canada’s Immigration System Dealing With Changing Realities

The Canadian immigration system is dealing with “changing realities and growing pressures” from both international (public health and humanitarian crises) and domestic (housing and...