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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry

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Read more at: Energising the future: an interview with Sampurna Mitra

Energising the future: an interview with Sampurna Mitra

Sampurna Mitra outside a college.

Sampurna Mitra, courtesy of Sampurna Mitra.

Sampurna Mitra is a first year PhD student in the Reisner group and a Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholar. She describes her journey to a PhD in the department, her research into solar power and her goals for a more sustainable world

Read more at: Using AI for drug discovery

Using AI for drug discovery

Srijit Seal by a computer

Srijit Seal in CMI, Bender group taken by Nathan Pitt ©University of Cambridge

Srijit Seal, a final-year PhD student in the Bender group, is using artificial intelligence to make drug discovery faster and safer. He has developed models that use AI to solve complex problems in medicine faster than ever.

Read more at: Students choose outstanding supervisor David Spring

Students choose outstanding supervisor David Spring

David Spring and group

Outstanding Supervisor Award event taken by Nathan Pitt ©University of Cambridge

Professor David Spring won the Outstanding Postgraduate Supervision Award, chosen by postgraduates in the department.

Read more at: Black Women in Science Network’s Brunch Talks Live

Black Women in Science Network’s Brunch Talks Live

Tomi Akingbade talks at the BWIS brunch event

Tomi Akingbade talks at the BWIS brunch event courtesy Nathan Pitt ©University of Cambridge

For the second year running, the department hosted the Black Women in Science Network’s Brunch Talks LIVE!

Read more at: Casting a wider net

Casting a wider net

We are changing preconceived notions of the ‘traditional Cambridge student’ by recruiting students from a much wider range of backgrounds and experience. And it’s good for science too.

Read more at: Let there be light: improving microalgae growth

Let there be light: improving microalgae growth

microscopic images of aggregates

Confocal imaging of chlorophyll autofluorescence emitted from microalgae aggregates and close-up of a single aggregate, courtesy the authors.

Trees in a forest use photosynthesis to convert sunlight and carbon dioxide to oxygen. But some trees don’t grow as well as others because they are overshadowed. Imagine the same process on a microscopic scale, with exactly the same problem.

Read more at: Become a mentor

Become a mentor

David Izuogo holding a microphone and speaking

David Izuogu opens AODI's first ever chemical science conference at the University of Nigeria last June.

Applying to study at Cambridge can be an intimidating process, even if you're familiar with the UK education system. Now imagine being a student from Africa who dreams of getting a top-quality education but has no idea where to start.  

Read more at: Robinson to receive Honorary Doctorate

Robinson to receive Honorary Doctorate

Image of Carol Robinson giving a lecture

Professor Robinson presenting the John Fenn Lecture 2023; courtesy IsilSenol - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Professor Dame Carol Robinson will receive an Honorary Doctorate of Science from the University of Cambridge in a ceremony on 19 June.