
In NYT fashion, Old Gray Lady designs interactive tool to help readers determine need for self-defense gun

Leave it to those reporters at The New York Times to be ever-thinking about ways to keep their readers informed and involved. The Old Gray Lady published an online, interactive tool to demonstrate to readers how important self-defense is, especially in the home.

South Carolinian faced 115 years in prison until ATF realized it had the wrong man

Back in December 2023, Bryan Wilson of West Columbia, South Carolina, was handcuffed and arrested by ATF. Just one problem: They had the wrong man. In May, Wilson filed a federal civil-rights lawsuit against the two West Columbia police officers who falsely alleged he had sold them guns and drugs while they were working as task force officers for the ATF.

Doctors cite fake mass-shooting data to justify questioning patients about guns

Fake mass-shooting data has infected the medical community for a long time, and the infection is spreading. The latest fake news, which was published by Advances in Pediatrics, was titled: “A Review of Community-Based Gun Violence Prevention Programs and the Physician’s Role.”

MEMORIAL DAY 2024: In 1788, Ohio law required ALL men aged 16-50 to bear arms

On July 25, 1788, the first Ohio law to establish and regulate a militia was published in Marietta. It mandated all men between 16 and 50 perform military duty. They were required to arm themselves with a musket and bayonet, a cartridge box, powder horn, one pound of powder and four pounds of lead.


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.