Month in Review

Didn’t I just write a month in review post? This month went by so quickly. Anyway, I’m closing out the month feeling a bit more refreshed and excited. Must be the week off I had from work. Ha.

I spent my time working on crafty projects, visited Austin Creative Reuse (such a fun place) and spent time reading and napping. Oh and a visit to the library to renew my library card. Must always have an active library card, right? Believe it or not, no books were borrowed this time.

For May I finished four books: Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane, A Line in the Sand by Kevin Powers, The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave and The 6:41 to Paris by Jean-Phillippe Blondel; translated by Allison Anderson. My favorites were Small Mercies and The 6:41 to Paris.

Now to think about June and some of the things I have in mind. There’s Cathy’s 20 Books of Summer challenge which I am joining but still putting together my list of potential reads so stay tuned for that. I’m also looking forward to a bookbinding class I’m taking at the Austin Book Arts Center. I’ve been doing a lot of crafting this year but not as much bookbinding (yet!). Along with this class, I’ve also signed up for a monthly online bookbinding workshop and my best friend gave me a book on bookbinding projects. I think all signs point to more book making in my future and I’m ready for it! I’ll tell you more about all of that in another post.

Anyway, here’s to lots of great reads next month! Let me know what you are looking forward to this summer.

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Some Fun Times

Saturday my husband took me out for brunch and then we went to the bookstore for a fun date. It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to go to the bookstore as my husband has been busy with some weekend projects, but this was a wonderful way to celebrate my birthday and to kick off my week off from work.

I also had a Barnes & Noble gift card so I got I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman; translated by Ron Schwartz and Others Were Emeralds by Lang Leav. But that’s not all because of course my husband got me some crafty items for my studio, like a new craft mat. I have at least 4 other craft mats (I really do use all!) but this one will be great when working with paints.

The other thing that is exciting is that this week that I am off from work and my plans involve dedicated reading time, craft time and probably some outings to do some thrifting and finding inspiration.

I know I haven’t updated you on my craft projects but I plan to tell you more about that. Oh and I also have more books coming my way as I started my birthday book shopping earlier this month. haha… Anyway, I hope you’ve all been doing well and wishing you all a wonderful week!

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New Releases for May

It’s a new month so time to do a roundup on some titles that are coming out this month. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for these advance review copies:

The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley. In the near future, a civil servant is offered the salary of her dreams to work on a  recently established government ministry by gathering “expats” from across history to establish whether time travel is feasible—for the body, but also for the fabric of space-time. On sale 5/7/2024.

Whale Fall by Elizabeth O’Connor. In 1938, a dead whale washes up on the shores of remote Welsh island. For Manod, who has spent her whole life on the island, it feels like both a portent of doom and a symbol of what may lie beyond the island’s shores. On sale 5/7/2024.

The Return of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean. Detective Chelsey Calhoun’s life is turned upside down when she gets the call Ellie Black, a girl who disappeared years earlier, has resurfaced in the woods of Washington state—but Ellie’s reappearance leaves Chelsey with more questions than answers. On sale 5/7/2024.

Summer Heat by Defne Suman. Melike should be happy: school is shut and her parents have stopped hosting parties for their rowdy political friends. But she’s scared. She can tell from her parents’ urgent whispers about prison, invasion and military coups that Istanbul is changing. Years later Melike has moved on but someone from her past returns. On sale 5/9/2024.

The Blue Maiden by Anna Moyes. It’s 1825, four generations after Berggrund Island’s women stood accused of witchcraft under the eye of their priest, now long dead. In his place is Pastor Silas, a widower with two wild young daughters. The sisters are outcasts: imaginative, oppositional, increasingly obsessed with the lore and legend of the island’s dark past and their absent mother, whom their father refuses to speak of. On sale 5/14/2024.

Spitting Gold by Carmella Lowkis. A deliciously haunting debut for fans of Sarah Waters and Sarah Penner set in 19th-century Paris, blending gothic mystery with a captivating sapphic romance as two estranged sisters—celebrated (and fraudulent) spirit mediums—come back together for one last con. On sale 5/14/2024.

Don’t all of these sound so interesting? Hope you have a chance to at least check one of these out.

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