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Welcome to David Beswick's Home Page, a diverse collection of interests in church and public affairs, higher education, psychological research, theology, family history, Australian native plants, etc

Vale Hazel Williams Beswick: A personal history; and a brief tribute.

Worship and Preaching   
Resources for preachers and worship leaders using the Revised Common Lectionary. Bible readings, suggested hymns, a sermon and an order of service are posted in advance for each  Sunday. 

Psychological Research   
My basic discipline is psychology. In retirement I picked up again some of the psychological research which I began over fifty years ago, particularly the work on human curiosity. In the book Cognitive motivation: From curiosity to identity, purpose and meaningI published by Cambridge University Press in 2017 the cognitive process theory of curiosity developed in my PhD thesis "Theory and Measurement of Human Curiosity" (Harvard, 1964) was generalized to apply to what I now call a theory of cognitive motivation. For some early work on this project see An Introduction to research on curiosity, Management Implications of the Interaction between Extrinsic Rewards and Intrinsic Motivation and From Curiosity to Identity. And a related paper Identity: A Psychological Perspective.

Family History   
The history of the Tasmanian family of Thomas and Mary Beswick begins with the arrest of Thomas in London on Christmas Eve 1822. Related families include Peever , Clarke, Dick, Jessup, MacGregor, Thompson, Cummins, Featherstone, Newman, Harris, McIver, James and Green. For recent updates on Mary Ann Clarke and Henry Peever see Dromore and more on Mary Ann and Henry Peever's Family of Origin, Birmingham. On the Jessup side new work in England in 2004 gives the family of origin of Richard Olding Cummins and two reports on John Thompson, his military discharge, and his birth and service record - and see John Thompson's family in Tasmania. Of my late wife Joan's family, see her Green family origin in Birmingham. There is a new report on the burial and possible birth of Thomas Beswick the London publican. Photos from Beswick 05 gathering.

Basic Christian Beliefs  
A straightforward account of what is taught about the Christian faith in the mainstream churches.    

Issues in the Uniting Church in Australia   
The unity of the Uniting Church, which was established in 1977 by union of the Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches with an agreed Basis of Union, has been tested by controversy in recent years. Some of my contributions to the debates, mainly in the 1980s and 90s, are available here.

Hobbies and Interests   
My interests in addition to things theological, educational and psychological, include native plants and photography (see Australian wildfowers), gardening, camping, bushwalking, poetry, and classical music. Local interests in the Upper Yarra Valley include the vineyards, the bush, the church and artists: see for example the page on ceramics by Alister Whyte. See also Pictures from our caravan trip to the Northern Territory and Western Australia, 2003

Higher Education Research and Policy   
This was my professional field for the greater part of my academic career. Some papers on basic processes of learning and career development, and on national policy in higher education have been posted, including a review of research on higher education in Australia during the time of my active leadership in research.  

Discussion of Public Affairs   
I would like to share some thoughts on topics of current interest in politics. A few limited topics include the referendum on a republican constitution for Australia, and newspaper bias in Melbourne.   

Personal and Professional Background  
If people want to know where I am coming from in discussion of a range of topics which might not always appear to go together this might help. See also memorial notes on my late wife Joan. - and my new beginning in marriage with Hazel. For family news see our Christmas Greeting 2009 See also Home Exchange. Hazel died 10 December 2019 see Hazel Williams Beswick: A personal history; and a brief tribute.

Copyright: © David Beswick 1997-2007. All original work on this site is protected by copyright laws. Family history may be reproduced for private study and research. Worship and preaching resources which are original may be copied with acknowledgment for use locally in Christian worship, but not for any commercial purpose without permission.  Other resources may be protected by other copyrights. Privacy: no information is collected on the identity of individual visitors to this site. Servers, domains and referring links may be identified from time to time.  Last updated by David Beswick. 7 May 2015