
Information & Inspiration

For all those who are striving for happiness and
success in their personal and professional lives.

After 21 years on my first domain, I launched this all-new, ad-free website so I could continue to encourage and help others through my writing and professional services for years to come. Reflected here are my professional and personal interests, philosophy, and Christian beliefs.

Timely Quotes

“Whether you are happy or not depends to some degree upon outward circumstances, but mostly it depends how you choose to look at things yourself, whether you measure what you have or what you have not. Before you pity yourself, take a great deal closer look at others and then decide with whom you would, or could, change places, and what sacrifice of your nature you would be prepared to make in order to do so.” – Anne Perry, The Face of a Stranger

“One thing life has taught me: if you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else.” - Eleanor Roosevelt (1884–1962)

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to receive my monthly email Brabec Bulletin
and my mid-month “Tidbits on Life” issue.
(Sample earlier Bulletins here.)

This mobile-friendly site has easy navigation with rich content that can be viewed on any digital device. If using a cell phone, viewing in horizontal mode will make the reading easier since it shows the button bar with drop-down menu pages and sidebar content all in one frame.

Visit the ARTICLES Table of Contents page for content in 14 life-related topic categories. Here you’ll be linked to my newest content and dozens of my most popular and timeless articles, reports, and PDF documents, all relative to current times. 

Featured Articles

NEW “Personal Musings” post: “My Encounter with the Living God.” God has a plan for your life that will astonish you once you give Him the reins and trust Him to work all things together for your good.

How Cats & Dogs Track Their Owners' Whereabouts. Barbara’s musings and research about animal telepathy and how cats and dogs think—all the more interesting if you have more than one pet.

How’s Your Memory These Days? Do you sometimes feel you’re losing it? Do you remember details about the past, but often wonder where your short-term memory has gone?

NEW Brabec Bulletin: Good-to-Know Medical Information. The Short Life of Medical Records, Breast Cancer Signs, Symptoms, and Exams, Perspective on Knee Joint Replacements, and Something to Laugh About.

Enjoy the Site! And thanks for recommending it to anyone who may need the help or information offered. Any mention you can give me on your website, Facebook page, or another social networking site will be most appreciated. Let me know how I might be helpful to you in return.


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Barbara's Office Environment

See the Bengal tiger wall of cross-stitch embroideries that took thousands of hours to stitch over several years.

Remembering Harry
1927 – 2005

Barbara and Harry Brabec in 2001

Barbara and Harry Brabec partners in both life and business for nearly 44 years. Barbara's memoir of their unusual and adventurous musical life together is documented in The Drummer Drives! Everybody Else Rides.

Remembering Harry Brabec. Barbara's tribute documents Harry's unusual and amazing professional life, with historical music information and colorful stories and photos.

A Widow’s Thoughts and Advice. A PDF collection of Barbara's series of articles for widows and other grieving hearts.

My Favorite "Harryisms"

“The world is round, but I am square.”

“He was always difficult, but he never was a bore.”

“I have a weight problem. When it comes to eating, I can hardly wait.”

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Monarch Cottages

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