A Very Sweet Blog

Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle.

Now that you have walked down the aisle and made the most of your D-day, here comes the toughest part: saying goodbye to your wedding dress ...
Image on Pixabay Renovating a historic home is a labor of love that requires a delicate balance between preserving timeless charm and making...
As a dentist, you’ll always be happy when someone makes an appointment for the first time. However, it’s important to remember that the goal...
The cosmetic industry has seen significant growth and innovation, particularly in non-surgical aesthetic enhancements. Dermal fillers, a key...
Looking for a tasty, fun way to make some extra cash? Then making and selling your own food products might be just what you’ve been searchin...
Have you ever stood in front of the skincare aisle, feeling overwhelmed? Rows of serums, creams, and masks promising glowing skin can make a...
In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has faced increasing scrutiny, with lawsuits arising due to various concerns. These included de...
The concept of intermittent fasting has absolutely blown up on the internet over the last few years, gaining almost a cult following. Howeve...
Maintaining pool health is vital for any public pool. Whether you are serving guests at a hotel or at a public facility such as a gym or com...
April is Stress Awareness Month. Recently stress has increased significantly and has been the underlying cause of every illness. According t...
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