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"We strive to deliver quality and professional service with enthusiasm and integrity!"

The National State of Emergency and consequent lockdown compelled organisations to re-structure and find new ways of conducting business.

Following this, we have decided to permanently close our Midstream office located at 29 Square @ midstream on 30 November 2020. This decision was made, as most of our staff members are either working from home or at our Highveld Office. Please rest assured that this closure will not have an impact on the availability of our staff, as they can be contacted at the Highveld Office on 012-6655111. All staff will be available during business hours, and 2 emergency numbers are available after hours: Property Management – 0725395352 and Rentals – 0712591704.

Our Centurion Office has various options to conduct meetings or appointments in our conference rooms.

We have also explored the option of renting the beautiful and professional facilities at Co-Work @ Midstream, Midlands Office Park in Midstream Estate, for the convenience of our Midstream clients

We invite you to contact our staff members upfront to arrange meetings at this venue, or visit us at 13 Corporate Corner, Marco Polo Street, Highveld. Ample parking is available, and our friendly staff is excited to welcome and assist you.

Our clients are valuable and most important to us, and our motto to serve them with the biggest level of professionalism possible will always take preference.