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   News  |  Education  |  Government  |  Religion  |  Financial  |  Health  |  Fine Arts  |  Sports   Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 5:54 AM in Nineveh, Assyria  
 News: Bet-Nahren, Assyria News in Bet-Nahren Assyria RSS 2.0 XML feed file  Shläma ~ 0ml4   | Tlath b'Shaba, Khziran 11, 6774 - 5:54 b'sapra b'Nineweh, Atour
 A s s y r i a
Name: Assyria  (maps)
Capital: Nineveh
36° 21′ 34″ N — 43° 9′ 10″ E
Regions: northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, southeastern Turkey and eastern Syria.
Language: Aramaic (Syriac)
Religion: Christian
Nationality: Assyrian
Population: 4,036,250

Assyrian flagWelcome to the home of the indigenous Aramaic-speaking Christian Assyrians of the Middle East.

The Assyrians of today are the descendants of the ancient Assyrian people, one of the earliest civilizations emerging in the Middle East, and have a history spanning over 6760 years.

Assyrians are not Arabian or Arabs, we are not Kurdish, our religion is not Islam. The Assyrians are Christian, with our own unique language, culture and heritage.  Although the Assyrian empire ended in 612 B.C., history is replete with recorded details of the continuous presence of the Assyrian people till the present time.

Assyria, the land of the indigenous Assyrians ["Our Smallest Ally"], was partitioned after World War I by the victorious Allies, and is currently under occupation by Kurds, Turks, Arabs and Persians.

The Assyrians are a stateless people and continue to be religiously and ethnically persecuted in the Middle East due to Islamic fundamentalism, Arabization and Kurdification policies, leading to land expropriations and forced emigration to the West.

Assyrian flagAssyrian Population

Population Notes

Due to the violence from Islamic fundamentalism, Arabization and Kurdification policies, Assyrians from the Middle East are forced into emigration to the West.  The population figures shown below will vary due to this mass exodus.

Iraq 1,928,000
Syria 815,000
USA 490,000
Armenia 206,000
Brazil 98,000
Iran 74,000
Lebanon 68,000
Germany 60,000
Russia 52,000
Sweden 48,000
Australia 38,000
Turkey 24,000
Canada 23,000
France 18,000
Jordan 15,000
Georgia 15,000
Holland 12,000
Denmark 10,000
England 9,000
Austria 8,000
Greece 8,000
Belgium 5,000
Switzerland 5,000
New Zealand 4,000
Dubai (UAE) 3,000
Italy 3,000
Argentina 2,000
Mexico 2,000
Poland 2,000
Spain 1,000
Kazakhstan 250
 TOTAL  4,036,250
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Assyrian National Broadcasting (ANB) TV Studio Forced Closure in Ankawa, northern Iraq by KRG Kurdish Tribes Stealing Assyrian Christian Lands Spanish reporter Ferran Barber kidnapped Assyrian Journalist Khlapieel Bnyameen Detained by KRG since October 31 2019 20 Miles Closer to Nineveh (film) Erasing Assyrians: How the KRG Abuses Human Rights The Last Plight (documentary film) The Nineveh Project Kurds Confiscating Ancestral Lands of Indigenous Assyrians Assyria Council of Europe: Report Papers on Assyrians The Desperate Plight of the Assyrian Christians of Iraq and Syria The Dead Die Twice: Islamists Destroy Ancient Assyrian Artifacts and Archaeological Sites Rape and Atrocities on a Young Christian Girl in Syria Muslims Terrorizing Christian Girls in Iraq - Sister Hatunes Syria: Opposition Abuses During Ground Offensive Khä B'Nësán (April 1st) Assyrian New Year - Akitu festival Treasures of ancient civilization in North Iraq are threatened – Modification of historical landscape must stop Turkish Court Takes Monastery's Land, Declares Assyrians 'Occupiers'
2019: The Planned Extermination of the Assyrian People and Culture
2018 Human Rights Report: Struggling to Breathe: the Systematic Repression of Assyrians
2017: Erasing Assyrians
2010-2003: Assyrians face Genocide
Indigenous People in Distress
Kurds Confiscating Ancestral Lands of Indigenous Assyrians
Turkish Court Takes Ancient Monastery's Land
Muslims Terrorizing Christian Girls in Iraq - Sister Hatunes
Islamic Cleric Incites Muslim Kurds during Friday Prayers
Islamic Terrorists kill Assyrians in Baghdad Church

Assyrians Rally for Peace and Justice for Iraqi Christians
Assyria Council of Europe: Report Papers on Assyrians
Religious Cleansing in Iraq - Report of Working Visit
No equal rights - Victims of injustice (fact-finding mission)

Assyrian National Broadcasting (ANB) TV Studio Forced Closure in Ankawa, northern Iraq by KRG
Kurdish Tribes Stealing Assyrian Christian Lands
(Arabic) Faysh Khabur is being destroyed - فيشخابور تتعرض للتدمير
Assyrian Journalist Khlapieel Bnyameen Detained by KRG since October 31, 2019
Spanish reporter Ferran Barber detained for weeks without charge, deported from Iraqi Kurdistan
New Assyrian archaeology findings near Faidah on Mount Daka, Nohadra, northern Iraq [Assyria]
2018 Human Rights Report: Struggling to Breathe: the Systematic Repression of Assyrians
Iraq's Stolen Election: How Assyrian Representation Became Assyrian Repression
Recognition of the Simele Massacre of 1933
Erasing Assyrians: How the KRG Abuses Human Rights, Undermines Democracy, and Conquers Minority Homelands

News ForumNews Forum
News: Bet-Nahren, AssyriaNews: Bet-Nahren, Assyria Archives

Calendar: June 2024 | Khziran 6774







































June 5, 2024 (Wed):

United Nations: World Environment Day

June 20, 2024 (Thu):

United Nations: World Refugee Day

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"Dear Assyrians, I congratulate you for the great job you are doing for our proud nation."

— Ninos Kamber
London, England [Europe]

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Aramaic Dictionary (online)
Assyrians Beyond the Fall of Nineveh
The Assyrian Heritage: Threads of Continuity and Influence
The Might that was Assyria
Assyrian Dictionary | The Helsinki Neo-Assyrian Dictionary
The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary | Oriental Institute
Oraham's Dictionary
(Aramaic Dictionary)

Modern Aramaic
A Compendious Syriac Dictionary
English-Assyrian-Arabic Dictionary Volumes I and II
Modern Assyrian Language between Speech and Writing: Linguistic Examination
Xëzne d xabre Ordlista: Şurayt-Swedi [mëḏyoyo]
Svensk-nyvästsyrisk Lärobok: Swedi-Şurayt [Ţuroyo]
Gramatik Nacimo: Şurayt-Swedi [Medyoyo]
Boona, the Little Assyrian Boy
Assyrian Illustrated Children's Book: "ܣܲܗܪܵܐ / Sahra / Moon"
Scholarships, Grants and Prizes 2011


Modelling and Simulation of Robot Manipulators: A Parallel Processing Approach


Facing Extinction: Assyrian Christians In Iraq
Erasing Assyrians:
How the KRG Abuses Human Rights, Undermines Democracy, and Conquers Minority Homelands

Defying Deletion: The Fight Over Iraq's Nineveh Plains (film)
Mourning in the Garden of Eden (film)
The Betrayal of the Powerless
Assyrians after the 2003 US Invasion of Iraq

Year of the Sword
The Assyrian Christian Genocide
The Assyrian Genocide
Cultural and Political Legacies

Liberating Iraq: The Untold Story of the Assyrian Christians
Assyrians post-Nineveh
identity, fragmentation, conflict, and survival (672 BC - 1920)
A study of Assyrogenous communities

The Hakkâri Massacres:
Ethnic Cleansing by Turkey 1924-25

The struggle for a free Assyria:
Documents on the Assyro-Chaldean Delegation's Political and Diplomatic Efforts, 1920-21 Vol. I

Biography of RaphaelKhan:
Great Assyrian Leader

From Baghdad with tears to California with Hopes
Ciwardo: Me aṯmël l adyawma, mën hawi? Damografi, Dabara, Sayfo w Goluto (Aramaic [Surayt])
Death of a Nation
The Assyrian Homeland Before World War I
From Bedr Khan to Saddam Hussein (Second Edition, Third Printing)

Assyrians: The Continuous Saga
The Assyrian Question
"Native Christians Massacred": The Ottoman Genocide of the Assyrians during World War I
Genocide in the Middle East: The Ottoman Empire, Iraq, and Sudan
Indigenous Peoples Under the Rule of Islam
Our Smallest Ally
A Brief Account of the Assyrian Nation during the Great War

The Tragedy of the Assyrian Minority in Iraq
The Crimson Field
Not Even my Name
Mount Semele
Dragons & Violins: A Memoir of War and Music
Assyrians in Contemporary Iraqi Thought by Aprim Shapera
Mechelen aan de Tigris (Assyrian village of Hassana)


The Peshitta: The Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text
The Ecclesiastical Organisation of the Church of the East, 1318-1913
Liturgy, Hymns & Songs of the Assyrian Church of the East
A History of Christianity in Asia : Beginnings to 1500 (2nd Edition)(Vol 1)
From the Holy Mountain (paperback)
From the Holy Mountain (hardcover)
The Church of the East and the Church of England


Scholarships, Grants and Prizes 2011

Fine Arts

Antiquities under Siege: Cultural Heritage Protection after the Iraq War
Music Pearls of Beth-Nahrin: An Assyrian / Syriac Discography
Mesopotamain Night: Melodies from the East


Assyrian Cookbook
Mom's Authentic Assyrian Recipes Cookbook

Related Resources

The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916: Documents Presented to Viscount Grey of Falloden by Viscount Bryce [Uncensored Edition]
The Young Turks' Crime against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire
Forgotten Fire: Novel on Armenian Genocide Belongs on Jewish Book Shelves
"The German, the Turk and the Devil Made a Triple Alliance": Harpoot Diaries, 1908-1917
Marsovan 1915: The Diaries of Bertha Morley, Second Edition
"Turkish Atrocities": Statements of American Missionaries on the Destruction of Christian Communities in Ottoman Turkey, 1915-1917
Days of Tragedy in Armenia: Personal Experiences in Harpoot, 1915-1917
Ambassador Morgenthau's Story
Great Need over the Water: The Letters of Theresa Huntington Ziegler, Missionary to Turkey, 1898-1905
We Are Witnesses: The Diaries of Five Teenagers Who Died in the Holocaust
The Banality of Indifference

Related booksAssyrian Library

News: NationalNews: National RSS 2.0 XML feed

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The State of Arizona Recognizes the Assyrian Genocide
2020 U.S. Census Bureau Form: How-To-Instructions | Assyrians
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Never Again Is Now! — Schedule for Moral Action Ministry at NSCC
Assyrian Genocide Monument Vandalized (2015)
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Lorenzo Lamas to Star in upcoming Biblical Film Epic

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News: NationalNews: National Archives

News: InternationalNews: International RSS 2.0 XML feed

'We're Fed Up With It': Survivors of the USS Liberty Look for Answers 55 Years Later
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Britain has forgotten its debt to the Christians of Iraq
Connecting the Dots
Will Middle East’s Aramaic language survive?
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Refusing to Name the Enemy
Syriacs react to minister’s wording regarding Mor Gabriel Monastery

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News: InternationalNews: International Archives

News: Armenian, Assyrian and Hellenic Genocide News (AAHGN) News: Armenian, Assyrian and Hellenic Genocide News RSS 2.0 XML feed

The Boycott Turkey Campaign
The Day(s) that Turkish President Erdogan Humiliated America
Former president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy acknowledges the Assyrian Genocide
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Genocide Recognition by Itself Is Not Enough
When You Erase Our Assyrian Name, You Erase Our Humanity
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Mel Gibson stands with Armenians
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The Kurds: Everything You Didn’t Know

News: Armenian, Assyrian and Hellenic Genocide NewsNews: Armenian, Assyrian and Hellenic Genocide News Archives

News: Perspective: Editorials | Guest-Editorials | LettersNews: Perspective: Editorials | Guest-Editorials | Letters RSS 2.0 XML feed

When you can't find your homeland on a map
All That's Left to Them by Abdulkhaleq Jewari (documentary in Aramaic, Arabic and English)
Comprehensive Mideast Peace Plan
Mor Augin Monastery’s Land in Tur-Abdin seized by Kurds
Perspective: Guest-Editorial: Muslim Assyrians? Who are they?
Perspective: Guest-Editorial: Assyrian Football Clubs in the Diaspora
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Perspective: Guest-Editorial: حتمية وجوب المطالبة بالحماية الدولية لمسيحيي العراق
Perspective: Guest-Editorial: Our Church and the Burning of our Books (Aramaic)

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News: Perspective: Editorials | Guest-Editorials | LettersNews: Perspective: Editorials | Guest-Editorials | Letters Archives

Education NetworkEducation Network RSS 2.0 XML feed

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Toronto based researcher works to preserve ancient Syriac inscriptions
Moon Story, First Assyrian Interactive Children's iPad Book
10 Recommendations for Parents
Gishru, Birthright Assyria (2012, presentation)

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Education NetworkEducation Network Archives

Projects:  Aramaic Dictionary | Assyrian LibraryUpdated!
Assyrian Names ProjectAssyrian Landmarks | Aramaic (Syriac) Fonts
Assyrian History Timeline | Assyrian Holocaust | Armenian, Assyrian and Hellenic Genocide News | Education Forum

Special Interests:  Assyria Day | The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary | Assyrian Dictionary: The Helsinki Neo-Assyrian Dictionary | Modern Assyrian Research Archive (MARA) | Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project | Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire | Iraq Museum Database

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The Planned Extermination of the Assyrian People and Culture
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Government NetworkGovernment Network Archives

Government: European GovernmentsGovernment: European Governments RSS 2.0 XML feed

European Parliamentarian criticizes Turkey on Assyrians
No equal rights - Victims of injustice
Assyria Council of Europe (ACE) Convinces Dutch Parliament to Urge for Protection of Assyrians in Iraq
European Parliament resolution on Christians
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Iraq: Dutch MP calls for autonomous Assyrian Christian region in north
EU expresses ‘profound concern’ over violence towards Christians
Religious Cleansing In Iraq
MEP puts the Assyrian Question to United Nations Special Representative
Swedish Parliament Recognizes Assyrian Genocide

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Government: European GovernmentsGovernment: European Governments Archives

Government: United StatesGovernment: United States RSS 2.0 XML feed

California State Assembly recognizes the Assyrian Genocide
President Donald J. Trump Signed H.R. 390 into Law (Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018)
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Levin Statement in Support of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Iraq
Rosie Malek-Yonan Testifies before the U.S. House Committee on International Relations about Assyrians

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Government: United StatesGovernment: United States Archives

Government: United NationsGovernment: United Nations RSS 2.0 XML feed

AUA Americas and Partners Participate at the 28th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, March 2015
AUA Americas and Partners Participate in the UN Forum on Minority Issues
Assyrian Aid Society at the United Nations, May 2013
Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA Americas) granted United Nations Special Consultative Status
Assyrian New Year (Akitu) in the statement of Iraq to the Security Council. New York, March 21, 2013
1935: League of Nations - The Settlement of the Assyrians, a Work of Humanity and Appeasement
1919: The King-Crane Commission Report: Confidential Appendix
1915: The Husain-McMahon Letters
1907: The Anglo-Russian Entente (concerning Persia)
1921: Trade Agreement Between His Brittanic Majesty's Government and the Government of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic

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Assyro-Chaldeans with their Syriac Churches formed a Civilization
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The Situation of Christians in the Middle East -- A Declaration of Concern
Chaldean Patriarchate to restore ancient manuscripts, rebuild Christian future
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1,500-year-old handwritten Bible kept in Ankara, ministry confirms
Turabdın’de Yaşamak Ateşden Gömlek Gıymektır

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How the Credit Industry is Combating Credit Fraud
Building and Rebuilding Good Credit
Disputing Inaccurate Information on a Credit Report
Your Credit Report: How to Keep It Squeaky Clean
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A Cure for Cancer
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STIMULANTS: Cocaine, Amphetamin, Ecstasy, Alcohol, Tobacco, Caffeine
Depressants: Tranquillisers

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ASSYRIA A.D.: Documentary Chronicling the Assyrian Identity Post-Empire will be “First of its Kind”
Film: Basamtit Reesha (2016)
King Sargon Inc. [Record Label | Music Production | Publishing | Promotion]
Enuma Elish - A modern creation myth for courage and renewal
Mesopotamian Night Debuts in Chicago
Assyrian arts, music events to raise funds, awareness of culture
Destine Literare, August 2013: In Memory of Ninos Aho
Assyrian Artist Represents the Netherlands in Poland
City native donates statue of ancient Assyrian ruler

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Fine Arts NetworkFine Arts Network Archives

Sports NetworkSports Network RSS 2.0 XML feed

Football: Gilbert Awekam Samuel
Assyriska, Anatolians in Swedish football
Former AP Chicago sports editor Joe Mooshil dies
Syrianska's remarkable rise in Sweden
Beitashour, Wondolowski named to MLS All-Star First XI
Kom En Moedig Assyriska FF Aan Op Zaterdag 17 Juli In Gutersloh
Assyriska FF Reaches Sweden's Premiere Division 1 Championship
The Matinee Idol: Albert Khoshaba
Swimming's Coming Home
The Assyrian Wizard: Youra Eshaya Pera

Sports ForumSports Forum
Sports NetworkSports Network Archives

Assyria \ã-'sir-é-ä\ n (1998)   1:  an ancient empire of Ashur   2:  a democratic state in Bet-Nahren, Assyria (northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, southeastern Turkey and eastern Syria.)   3:  a democratic state that fosters the social and political rights to all of its inhabitants irrespective of their religion, race, or gender   4:  a democratic state that believes in the freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture in faithfulness to the principles of the United Nations Charter — Atour synonym

Ethnicity, Religion, Language
» Israeli, Jewish, Hebrew
» Assyrian, Christian, Aramaic
» Saudi Arabian, Muslim, Arabic
Assyrian \ã-'sir-é-an\ adj or n (1998)   1:  descendants of the ancient empire of Ashur   2:  the Assyrians, although representing but one single nation as the direct heirs of the ancient Assyrian Empire, are now doctrinally divided, inter sese, into five principle ecclesiastically designated religious sects with their corresponding hierarchies and distinct church governments, namely, Church of the East, Chaldean, Maronite, Syriac Orthodox and Syriac Catholic.  These formal divisions had their origin in the 5th century of the Christian Era.  No one can coherently understand the Assyrians as a whole until he can distinguish that which is religion or church from that which is nation -- a matter which is particularly difficult for the people from the western world to understand; for in the East, by force of circumstances beyond their control, religion has been made, from time immemorial, virtually into a criterion of nationality.   3:  the Assyrians have been referred to as Aramaean, Aramaye, Ashuraya, Ashureen, Ashuri, Ashuroyo, Assyrio-Chaldean, Aturaya, Chaldean, Chaldo, ChaldoAssyrian, ChaldoAssyrio, Jacobite, Kaldany, Kaldu, Kasdu, Malabar, Maronite, Maronaya, Nestorian, Nestornaye, Oromoye, Suraya, Syriac, Syrian, Syriani, Suryoye, Suryoyo and Telkeffee. — Assyrianism verb

Aramaic \ar-é-'máik\ n (1998)   1:  a Semitic language which became the lingua franca of the Middle East during the ancient Assyrian empire.   2:  has been referred to as Neo-Aramaic, Neo-Syriac, Classical Syriac, Syriac, Suryoyo, Swadaya and Turoyo.


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