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Heidelberg Stakes New Claim to Industrial Inkjet with Jetfire

Patrick Henry reports from drupa 24 on Heidelberg's return to industrial inkjet printing with a pair of machines introduced in partnership with Canon.

Looking Beyond Commercial Print with Mimaki

Mimaki is looking beyond the traditional paper-based print applications. Ralf Schlözer reports from Mimaki's drupa 24 press conference.

People Profile: Dr. Raša Urbas

WhatTheyThink/drupa daily is profiling selected attendees to this year's drupa 24. David Zwang profiles Dr. Rasa Urbas, Head of the Chair of Information and Graphic Arts Technology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana.

Drupa 2024 Officially Kicks Off!

Drupa 24, eight years in the making, opened yesterday to much excitement. European Section Editor Ralf Schlozer attended the opening ceremony.

FUJIFILM Dimatix Introduces The SkyFire® SF600 Next Generation Printhead

At drupa 2024, FUJIFILM introduced the FUJIFILM Dimatix SkyFire® SF600 printhead. David Zwang provides an overview.

Canon Moves into B2 Inkjet

As drupa 24 opens, Canon has announced that it is launching its first B2 size press, the varioPRESS iV7. Ralf Schlözer takes a look at the announcement.

EFI Takes Nozomi to an Entirely New Level with the X5 Nozomi in Partnership with Packsize

WhatTheyThink's Cary Sherburne gets a demo of the new X5 Nozomi platform that is capable of building and printing custom sized boxes inline. Ahead of drupa, EFI invited select media to Spain for a media week filled with presentations and demos. The new X5 Nozomi was part of that at their facility just outside of Valencia, Spain.

Why Should I Work for YOU?

The print industry is facing labor challenges at every level. The complaint is that no one is applying for open jobs, and when candidates do apply and get accepted, they don’t stay. It’s easy to point fingers at the upcoming generations and say that they don’t want to work, but is that really what’s happening?

Industry Data
Printing Outlook 2024 - The WhatTheyThink Overview of the Current State of the Printing Industry

The Printing Outlook 2024 report provides detailed analysis of the latest WhatTheyThink Printing Industry Survey, the latest industry economic data and macroeconomic trends, as well as industry and cultural technological trends to look out for in 2024 and beyond.

Purchase Report

April Graphic Arts Employment A Mixed Bag
April Graphic Arts Employment A Mixed Bag

Overall printing employment in April 2024 was generally up—+0.5% from March—with production employment up +1.3% and non-production employment down +1.4%. Full Analysis

Folding Paperboard Box Manufacturing—2010–2021
Folding Paperboard Box Manufacturing—2010–2021

According to County Business Patterns, in 2021 there were 578 establishments in NAICS 322212 (Folding Paperboard Box Manufacturing). This category saw a net decrease of 18% since 2010. In macro news,inflation in April eased a bit. Full Analysis

March Shipments: We Got Good News and Bad News
March Shipments: We Got Good News and Bad News

March 2024 shipments came in at $7.24 billion, up from February’s $7.04 billion—and yet the worst March the industry has had. Full Analysis

More Data Analysis

WhatTheyThink Magazine

WhatTheyThink Magazine is the resource for the Commercial Printing, Visual and Graphic Arts Industries. Industry experts share their ideas and technical knowledge on ways to improve operations.

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Around the Web
WhatTheyThink's weekly miscellany
Around the Web: Apostrophe Annihilation. Staff Stamp. Essential Elements. Quill Queries. Speaking Cetacean. Odd Orcas. Webb Weather.

British towns are removing apostrophes from street signs as, it claims, they can cause trouble with geographical databases. To celebrate the baguette, the French Post Office has released a commemorative scratch-and-sniff postage stamp. Broadband plans now required to have “nutrition labels” that spell out what you’re getting and for how much. A cute stop-motion animation in which little felt spray cans appear to spray wool “paint.” How many Periodic Table elements are actually in the human body? Before alarm clocks, you could hire a “knocker upper.” Researchers used AI to decode sperm whale clicks. Are we in the midst of an orca uprising? Burger King celebrates its birthday with 70¢ specials. All that and more in WhatTheyThink’s weekly miscellany. Read More

Around the Web: Colour Compendium. Distributor Dilemma. Mail Man. Eel Edification. Softee Search. Atmosphere Antics. Gooey Gold.

Another tome for those building a color reference book library. Small Press Distribution abruptly closes, leaving small publishers in the lurch. Deloitte’s brand new Global 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey is out. Meet Reginald Bray, “The Human Letter.” A livestreaming portal connected New York City and Dublin—for a bit. Everything you ever wanted to know about eels. Find the nearest ice cream truck with the Mister Softee app. The James Webb Space telescope finds a distant exoplanet has an atmosphere, of sorts. Reese’s introduces an Olympic medal-shaped peanut butter cup. All that and more in WhatTheyThink’s weekly miscellany. Read More

Around the Web: Aromatic Ads. Planted Plantagenet. Boat Brouhaha. Writing Removal. Print Preference. Gabbing Greenery. Organic Optics. Tank Trade. Waffle Wear.

The first scented billboard. Uncovering the remains of Richard III. Ordered to hide your boat from public view? Build a fence and paint a boat on it! Eliminating inaccessible graffiti using spray-painting drones. Costumed park rangers in Illinois act out the cicada emergence. Video of plants “talking” to each other. The winner of the annual Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant. The James Webb Space Telescope discovered complex organic chemicals surrounding two protostars. Red Lobster is closing locations and auctioning off their equipment. Eggo launches waffle-themed sneakers. All that and more in WhatTheyThink’s weekly miscellany. Read More

Around the Web Archive

Recent Discussion

Richard Wright on Kodak Sells the First KODAK MAGNUS Q3600 Titan Platesetter to Imprimerie Pollina

This is great news. Print providers should be reviewing the value of newer, faster, more labor efficient Computer to Plate equipment as part of their capital equipment refresh plans. Reply

Dov Isaacs on Frank's drupa Advice

I strongly agree with Frank's comments. Some additional notes: (1) Although DRUPA's name implies paper, it is important for the industry to recognize that “printing” is increasingly using substrates other than paper and that there are unique work… Full comment Reply

Patrick Henry on Frank's drupa Advice

Frank, the brat vendors at the Messe who give you the sausage and the bun separately must have missed your point about integration! But thanks for a nice, upbeat introduction to the show. It's going to be memorable. Reply

Alvaro Mantilla on Frank's drupa Advice

Automation + Integration + Embelishments... according to Frank, the things to see in Drupa. Stop at Hall 17 and you will see all three... plus many more! Reply

Profiles in Print

Thysse Profiles in Print The John Roberts Company  (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

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