Scholarships and Grants for College Students

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Gardiner Scholarship Program

Gardiner Scholarship Program

Gardiner Scholarship: Funding Opportunities for Florida Students with Unique Abilities The Gardiner Scholarship Program, formerly known as the Personal Learning Scholarship Account (PLSA), was a program that provides eligible Florida children with special needs an...

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How to get Scholarships for College

How to get Scholarships for College

How to get scholarships for college may be more difficult than you think. Looking for college scholarship opportunities can be overwhelming. There are millions of scholarships out there, but only so many hours in a day. In order to maximize your total scholarship...

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Evans Scholarship

Evans Scholarship

Evans Scholars Foundation is pleased to announce the Evans Scholarship for caddies. The Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship is a full tuition and housing college scholarship for golf caddies that is renewable for up to four years. To be considered for scholarship, the...

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What is a Full Ride Scholarship?

What is a Full Ride Scholarship?

What is a Full Ride Scholarship? A "full ride" scholarship is traditionally thought of as an award given to an applicant for meeting specific requirements defined by a university that covers all tuition costs, room and board, books and other fees related to attending...

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