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2024 election



Kosovo Police Action Sparks Tensions, Lacks Coordination With International Partners, Says State Department

The State Department expressed its disapproval following the Kosovo Police’s recent action against the Serbian Postal Savings Bank in northern Kosovo, carried out under orders from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The raids on the Postal Savings Bank branches began simultaneously around 3 PM in all four Serbian municipalities: North Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zvecan, and Zubin…

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Biden Joins Global Support For Princess Catherine Amid Cancer Diagnosis

Amidst the news of Princess Catherine of Wales bravely battling cancer, President Biden expressed solidarity and support for her journey. Following her announcement of undergoing chemotherapy after a period of speculation about her health, Princess Catherine emphasized the importance of privacy for her family, especially her children, as they navigate this challenging time. Having undergone…



Beyond the Tennis Court: Matija Pecotic’s Lessons in Life and Business

Matija Pecotic’s life unfolds like the pages of a captivating novel—a rich tapestry of cultural experiences woven together by his unique journey. Born in Belgrade, living on the sun-soaked shores of Malta, with Croatian parents, and now embracing his identity as an American, Pecotic’s story is a testament to the richness of cross-cultural immersion. A…

Khloe Kardashian: Working Out Is My Therapy

In a recent Snapchat Q&A session, Khloe Kardashian, opened up about her approach to managing stress, a topic often inquired about by her fans. As captured and circulated by Page Six, Kardashian shared her go-to stress relief method: sweating it out through exercise. “Working out is my therapy,” Kardashian affirmed, responding to a fan’s query…

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Conviction Of Disgraced Producer Harvey Weinstein For Rape Overturned

In a stunning twist that could rival any Hollywood blockbuster, the conviction of disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein for rape has been overturned by the State of New York Court of Appeals. This bombshell decision throws the entire legal saga into disarray, as a new trail has been ordered. Weinstein, once a powerful figure in the…

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The Truth Behind Wendy Williams’ Health Crisis Unveiled

For years, Wendy Williams has captivated television screens with her unapologetic wit and charm. Yet, behind the dazzling lights of fame, a quiet storm has been brewing. Wendy Williams and her devoted team are now stepping into spotlight to reveal that the television host been diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia. The 59-year-old…

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Plan Your Perfect Weekend At DC’s Cherry Blossom Festival

As winter loosens its grip and spring begins to unfurl its vibrant colors, Washington, DC, eagerly anticipates the arrival of its most iconic seasonal spectacle: the National Cherry Blossom Festival. With 3,000 cherry blossoms poised to paint the city pink, locals and visitors alike prepare for a month-long celebration of nature, culture, and community. For…

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