15 Jul



15 Jun

Hi! I still see I have quite a few subscribers here. I no longer update The Miracle Momma on wordpress.com. Please go to http://www.themiraclemomma.com to keep up to date with my blog! Thanks. 

Have you checked out my new domain?

6 Apr

Hey guys – I moved to a domain. Come check it out.


TheMiracleMomma.Com – New Domain!

1 Apr

Well all, it was fun on wordpress.com. I am moving over to wordpress.org with my brand new domain! Go check it out. I will continue my blogging adventure there.


A special announcement.

31 Mar

What a beautiful Saturday. It’s suppose to be 90 degrees tomorrow. Where did Winter and Spring go this year?  We didn’t end up getting The Pickle this weekend which really bummed me out. It would have been the perfect weekend to go to the park.

Have any of my readers been watching the Decorah Eagles Ustream? I have been watching for over the last two weeks in anticipating for the eggs to hatch. As of last night all three eggs have finally hatched. You have to take a look at these little guys. They’re so cute.

1 Pip 2 Pip 3 Pip Go!


This is my first year watching the Decorah Eagles. I am absolutely amazed at how both of the parents take care of their young.

My blog today is very short for one special reason. I  finally purchased a domain. I am so excited to transfer everything over to my new domain. I can’t believe all of the possibilities you have with a self-hosted WordPress. I am working as hard as I can to get my new domain up and running. I might be able to get everything running by tonight. Hurray!

I hope you are as excited as I am.

A Weekend of Change.

30 Mar

Well it’s Friday. I’m about ready to go buy some Debrox for my poor clogged up ears.  Since it’s overcast today I’m taking Bouncy Buns to the park. I have the cutest video of him talking with Reavera. He’s getting so vocal. I think we have a chatterbox in the making. Now if we could only get the teething under control. I think I’m going to buy Teething Tablets for him since he doesn’t really like a teething ring at the moment.

The weekends are depressing nowadays – especially since Reavera works the weekends now.  The weekends are when we get The Pickle. On Saturdays and Sundays I spend most of the day alone with him. The Pickle doesn’t enjoy those times. He won’t interact with me, or come out of his room. When I talk to him I get ignored. It’s frustrating because I’m in no place to really say something to his mother. Or at least that is my understanding. I’m going to try another attempt to shake up things with him. I’m either going to make homemade playdough or homemade watercolor painting. Since the farmer’s market is getting ready to open up (next week actually!) I think it’d be great bonding time to go to the farmer’s market together. He believes fruits and vegetables only come from a grocery store. It would be a great learning opportunity to find out where fruits and vegetables come from.

I’m not going to give up with The Pickle. The odds may be stacked against me but I’m not giving up.  I love him too much to do so. I’m going to continue to try to give him balance between playing outdoors, doing activities, and occasionally playing video games. Iit’s very difficult to get him to do something outside of playing a video game or sitting in front of a television for hours.

It’s nice outside. It’s time for him to enjoy the weather. There are more things to life other than a video game or television.

Made In America – 4th Of July Blog Hop Event

29 Mar

ImageCalling All Bloggers! 

Mimi from Woven By Words and Courtney from Joy Of Momma Joyner are excited to bring a FUN, new event celebrating The 4th Of July, called Made In America. This event will run from 12:01am EST Wednesday, July 4, 2012 through 11:59pm EST Wednesday, July 18, 2012. Want to join in the celebration fun? It’s super easy!!

Rules to Participate:

  • You must get at least a $25 prize/package together to be given away during the event. We want ALL prizes to be American Made!
  • You must display the event button on your sidebar from now until the event ends
  • Participation is completely FREE! All you have to do is make sure the button is on your blog side bar, and write a post encouraging other bloggers to join in the fun! Put the link to your blog post in the form below.
  • If you would like to participate in a GRAND PRIZE CASH GIVEAWAY (completely optional!!), you can send $5 (gift) via PayPal to joyofmommajoyner@gmail.com. This will get you TWO social media entry options! (Facebook, Twitter, Email, GFC, Pinterest, Klout, etc.) The GRAND PRIZE CASH value will be determined when we know how many people are going to participate in that part of the giveaway. The GRAND PRIZE CASH GIVEAWAY will be hosted on Woven By Words and Joy Of Momma Joyner. We ask that you refer your readers to either of those two sites to enter the CASH GIVEAWAY!
  • Be sure to join the Facebook Group so you can stay up-to-date on all the latest information, to share ideas, or ask questions!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mimi at mnjesusfreak@gmail.com or Courtney at joyofmommajoyner@gmail.com

To my readers who are not fellow bloggers I will be participating in this event. I will be posting more about this event as it gets closer!  

Tazo Tea Product Review

29 Mar

I wanted to get this review in yesterday however I was not expecting maintenance to come in and fix our roof. We had water leaking into the ceiling from last week’s rain. There is a huge water stain that only kept getting bigger as it rained for what seemed like five days straight. I’d say the stain is about the size of a basketball. We learned a couple things about our duplex when they came over. The first thing we learned was we apparently have an attic. We’ve been in this duplex for seven months not knowing we had an attic. The second thing we learned is that there is roof damage which caused the leak which probably happened during the Leap Year storms that caused damage in our town. Our landlord is also going to get the electric company to come by & fix one of the poles by our side of the duplex as part of the pole is bent.

After maintenance came over we went to see The Hunger Games. I was proud of myself for not having a meltdown while watching a movie in the movie theatre. Since the tornado I haven’t been able to go to movie theatres or see movies with violence. I was able to tolerate both in The Hunger Games. If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend it. It has inspired me to read the books. We visited my parents for a little bit before going home. My mother graciously agreed to watch Bouncy Buns for us. While I was at her house we were able to see that he is indeed teething! It looks to be his front bottom teeth. That explains why he is so grumpy. I hope he cuts them soon.

Today I ended up having an emergency visit with my doctor. I had another bad anxiety attack which had me freaked out so bad I thought I was dying. I’m comfortable knowing it’s anxiety. I wish it’d stop but because of my PTSD therapy I don’t think it’s going to let up any time soon. I also found out why my ears are ringing. My doctor was surprised I could hear because of how much ear wax is pushed in the back. I’m purchasing Debrox in the morning.

If you watched my poor excuse of a vlog you would know I purchased caffeine free tea to try. I have been craving a nice glass of tea for awhile. It’s that time of the year where I find tea especially pleasant. Because of my new caffeine sensitivity while on Wellbutrin I can’t tolerate any form of caffeine. I knew Stash Tea has flavored caffeine free tea. Stash Tea was in Influenster’s Love Vox Box in some lovely flavors. I’m going to have to wait a little longer to try out Stash Tea as they did not have any caffeine free varieties at my local Wal-Mart. I then stumbled upon Tazo Iced Passion Herbal Infusion. I was immediately drawn in by the packaging.

Caffeine Free goodness in a glass.

Being that is caffeine free I decided I wanted to try it out. When I use to go to Starbucks all the time I’d always pick up a passion tea. I hoped this would be the same.  I was really impressed with the list of ingredients. Let’s take a look:

Ingredient List: Hibiscus flowers, natural tropical flavors, citric acid, licorice root, orange peel, cinnamon, rose hips, lemongrass, and fruit juice extract.


I love their ingredient list being fairly simplistic, and not filled with a lot of chemicals. The only down side I have, and this is by personal preference only, is the use of the term “natural tropical flavors.” I feel a bit more confident in a product when every ingredient is listed.  Oh well. Overall I’m very pleased with what I see.

The steps to make Tazo Iced Passion Herbal Infusion Tea was easy. Easy enough in fact I could probably make it with my eyes closed. Steep 1 teabag with 1 quart boiling water for five minutes. After teabag is steeped, add in 1 quart of cold water. Voila!  I wish child birth was this easy.  I added sugar to my tea. I would sweeten it with your favorite sweetener. I took a photo of my finished drink.  Please excuse the use of a Coca~Cola glass. I haven’t been able to get new glassware yet. Everything for the kitchen in my house was donated. I’m very thankful for everyone who helped.

A small piece of heaven in this glass.


Tazo Iced Passion Herbal Infusion is definitely a peace of heaven in a glass. There were so many different layers of flavor. I could taste the hibiscus flowers, the passion fruit, and lemongrass.  I immediately had to get another glass when I was finished the first one. It was that good. The more I kept thinking about it the more I realized this tasted almost exactly like the passion tea I got at Starbucks. I gave my husband a taste. His comments?

“It doesn’t taste like cheap fruit flavored tea. I like it alot.”

I don’t know the difference of cheap fruit flavored tea but I will take that as a compliment.

With every company I review I went to the website displayed on the box. Tazo is owned by Starbucks. The Iced Passion Tea I am tasting today is the same I use to have at Starbucks. Huh. I wish I realized this a long time ago so I could have started enjoying this tea at home more often.  The downside of being apart of Starbucks? They don’t have a company Twitter, Google +, or Facebook account associated with Tazo. Also on the side of the packaging Tazo claims to give back to communities. When I went to the website displayed on the side of the box I got a “Resource not Found” error. That was a little disappointing.

All in all I am very satisfied with this tea. The next time I make Tazo Iced Passion Herbal  Infusion Tea I will mix it with fresh lemonade. You can find Tazo Iced Tea at most local retailers and health stores. The price ranges anywhere from $3.00 – $5.00 depending on where you live.

That concludes today’s blog. I apologize it was posted so late in the day. I didn’t expect to end up at the doctor’s office today. See you all tomorrow.

Fabulous Freebie Wednesday! 3/28/2012

28 Mar

It’s that time of the week again! While I convince my husband to go see The Hunger Games today why don’t you go enjoy some free samples I found?  Stay tuned because later on today I will have my review up for Tazo Tea.


  • Beech-Nut is offering a Free Starter Kit which includes a coupon for a free box of Beech-Nut cereal and two free jars of Beech-Nut baby food. All you need to do is sign up for their monthly eNewsletter on the Beech-Nut website.
  • Beech-Nut is also offering the Next Steps Kit for free when you sign up for their monthly eNewsletter. Note: The Beech-Nut links are different.
  • Gerber is offering a Free Generation Backpack which includes a free sample of baby formula, a Gerber Baby Bib, Health Record, Nutrition Guide, Breastfeeding Basics Guide, and a value book at  participating hospitals. Just print off the certificate on their website and give it to your hospital, if they are participating, when your baby is born.


  • Subway is offering a free Random Acts of Kindness Kit & homeschooling parents on their website. Click here to go to the Subway website.
  • PetCo is offering a CareFresh Lesson in a Box Small Animal Pet Care Classroom Kit for teaching your classroom small animal pet care on the PetCo website.
  • The EPA is offering a Free Planet Protectors Club Kit which includes an official membership certificate, a badge, activity bookets for grades K-3 and 4-5 for teachers & home schooling parents. Click here to go to the EPA website.


  • Quaker Oatmeal is offering a free sample box of Quaker Oatmeal Squakes when you “Like” their Facebook Page.
  • QuickChek is offering an exclusive coupon for a free 20z bottle of Pepsi Next when you “Like” their Facebook Page.
  • Get a coupon for a free ZonePerfect bar when you “Like” their Facebook Page.
  • Now Foods is offering a sample of their Real Tea to the first 100 people each day through the month of March when you “Like” their Facebook Page.
  • Del Taco is offering 2 free cicken soft tacos & a free shake on your birthday when you join their Raving Fan eClub. Click here to sign up.
  • Del Taco is offering a free crispy shrimp taco with any purchase when you “Like” them on Facebook.
  • Del Taco is offering a free muffin sandwich with any purchase when you “Like” them on Facebook.
  • Nestle Abuelita is offering free merienda kit every week on Facebook. Your last chance to get this offer will be April 4, 2012. Note: You can change the language to English in the upper right hand corner of the exclusive.


  • Wal-Mart is offering a free sample of Beneful Baked Delights.
  • Rachael Ray is offering a free sample of Just 6 dog food on her website.
  • Pedigree will donate a free bowl of food to an animal shelter when you share or “Like” their video on Facebook.
  • If you’re a member of PetCo Pals they are offering 1 free can of Hill’s Tender Dinners Cat Food on the PetCo website.


  • Febreze is working with Operation Gratitude to donate 50,000 Febreze Set & Refresh kids to the men & women serving in the US Army. Click “Like” on their Facebook in order to help.


  • For Costco Members Only: Get a free sample of Crest Pro-Health Multi-Protection Rinse on the Costco website.
  • Watch this Video on the Eucerin US Facebook Page and receive a free sample of Eucerin Calming Itch-Relief Treatment.
  • Have you gotten your Target Spring Beauty Bag yet? This is still available with selected purchases at Target on the Target website.
  • Target is also offering a free sample of Ultra-Lift 2-in-1 Wrinkle Reducer.
  • Thornton Floss is offering a free sample starter kit including Thornton 3 in 1 Floss, Thornton Periodontal Floss, and Thornton Bridge & Implant Cleaners by filling out a short form on their website.
  • Chiff MegaRed is offering a free sample when you “Like” their Facebook Page.
  • Take the Arm & Hammer Toothpaste Challenge. Fill out this short form to receive a free sample. http://www.tryarmandhammer.com/
  • Need some earplugs? Hearos got you covered. Available in two colors, they are offering 5,000 samples every day on their website. If they are out for the day wait after 10:00AM CST to request your sample.
  • Get a free trial pack of o.b tampons when you fill out this short form.
  • Get a free sample of Sani-Heads Instant Hand-Santizing Wipes at Wal-Mart.
  • Grab a free sample of Flanax Pain Reliever Tablets when you fill out a short form on their website.
  • BioPharma Scientific is offering a free sample of the SuperFood Solution supplement when you fill out a form on their website.


  • Disney Store will be offering 250 free Mickey Mouse hats, today (3-28-2012) only, at 10:00AM at each of their Disney Stores. Click here to find out more.
  • Go Red for Women is offering a free Red Dress Pin when you “Like” their Facebook Page.
  • Target will be giving away free reusable Totes on April 22nd 2012. Save the date!
  • Sears Portrait Studio is offering a complimentary 16 x 20 Wall Portrait (a 69.99 value including no session fee) for liking them on Facebook. This is going to be perfect for my little family so I know I’m going to use this one. The coupon expires April 15th. http://media.cpicorp.com/social/sps12-fb-coupon.html
  • Sears Portrait Studio is offering the following exclusives on their website as well: Free Custom Wall Portrait, 40% off everything, and Favorite Pose Package (includes 1 8 x 10, 2 5×7, 4 3 1/2 x 5 and 16 wallets) all for 7.99. All of these offers have no session fee.
  • The Apples iTune Store is offering the game Drainworks for free for a limited time.


  • Pringles is holding the Tournament of Flavors contest on their Facebook Page. You have a chance to win a $500 pre-paid card or a coupon for a package of Pringles every day until April 16, 2012.

A Vlog About a Mom Who Says “um” Alot. Oh and Tea!

27 Mar

I hope YouTube updates the thumbnail soon. I look silly!