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Awards and Grants
Xuebing Wu, PhD receives grant the Norn Group

Xuebing Wu, Medicine: $275,000 over three years from the Norn Group for "Awakening a heart ribosome in brain and other tissues to enhance proteostasis and delay aging."

Awards and Grants
Mohammed AlQuraishi receives grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Mohammed AlQuraishi, Systems Biology: $2,056,250 over five years from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences for "Machine learning of biomolecular interactions and the human signaling networks they comprise."

Awards and Grants
Xuebing Wu, PhD receives Schaefer Research Scholar awards

Xuebing Wu, PhD receives Schaefer Research Scholar award for project: “Noncoding translation surveillance in tumor immunogenicity and immunotherapy”.

Awards and Grants
Xuebing Wu, PhD receives grant from the Glenn Foundation

Xuebing Wu, PhD, Medicine: $523,000 over three years for a subaward from the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research for "Aging as a self-reinforcing feedback loop: investigate the role of noncoding translation."

Awards and Grants
Corinne Abate-Shen, PhD receives grant from the National Cancer Institute

Corinne Abate-Shen, PhD, and Alexandros Papachristodoulou, PhD, Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics: $272,484 over two years from the National Cancer Institute for "Investigating mitochondrial dysfunction in high-risk prostate cancer."
