• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense



Prepare, practice these tips to keep kids safe outdoors

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Here are some steps to make your child as safe as possible outdoors. The outing preparation should start long before you arrive at the trailhead.

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Cutlery Reviews

Knife update: Battle Horse Knives Feather Stick proves its worth

600 381 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Want a Mora-style knife that can handle hard use? This Battle Horse Knives Feather StickĀ  has been wrung out. Here is what we found.

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best fishing lure, best survival lure, survival fishing

Best survival fishing lure: Is it a leadhead jig?

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Is there a do-it-all lure for survival fishing? My money is on the plain lead head jig. Here’s why.

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Making Fire

Zippo butane lighter, Zippo

Review | Butane Zippo may need to be part of your survival fire making kit

542 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

It is hard to improve on a tried and proven piece of gear, especially when 500 million have already been sold. But this latest fire making tool from Zippo may be an improvement on that old classic lighter.

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Emergency Shelter

Urban camouflage: Why you should blend in to walk home after a disaster

599 301 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

You’re driving home from work, something “big” just happened and you’re completely stuck in gridlock on the highway. But, you’re prepared for this scenario. You abandon your car, grab your Get-Your-Ass-Home backpack out of your trunk and start walking. How do you blend in with all the unprepared people, so you don’t become a target for muggers? Here are some ‘fashion’ tips to get you home safe.

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Survival Gear

Review: African Ranger barefoot boots

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Barefoot boots have become a “thing.” The concept is that barefoot shoes/boots allow the foot to react to the ground as it would if the walker was walking barefoot. These Jim Green Barefoot Boots are sturdy hikers that may be a good entry into the barefoot boots world.

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Survival Skills

Review: Gerber Impromptu tactical pen best choice for extreme conditions

400 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Your survival tools should include some way of communication. Electronics are wonderful, but consider a reliable pen and notebook. The Gerber Impromptu tactical pen may be what you need in your survival gear, and here is why.

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Video: Make a tasty, healthy tea with common ‘weeds’
495 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Summer is here, and if you’re doing anything outside you need to stay hydrated. Try weed (or herb) tea. Drinking lots of water isn’t enough – you also need electrolytes. This video shows a simple tea recipe that supplies vitamins and minerals and uses common weeds

Review: The L.T. Wright GNS may be your best bushcraft knife choice
600 343 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The L.T. Wright GNS bushcrafter promises to be a contender in that elusive, almost-mythical best all-around knife category.

Dutch oven cooking is an efficient way to cook food for large groups of people.
Video: How to make sauerkraut chocolate cake with storage foods
600 329 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Sauerkraut is a super food for preppers and survival and off-grid types, and here is one way to integrate it into your diet. With a delicious chocolate cake.

Leon Pantenburg writes a survival skills blog with tips and techniques to help typical folks survive an unexpected urban or wilderness emergency, using their common sense and emergency preparedness training. Topics include survival knives, survival clothing and camp cooking, making a fire, emergency shelter, hunting and fishing, competent survival skills and survival gear reviews.