
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.

The Greening: Taking Back Our ‘Listening’, Our Voice

"We cannot live in a world that is not our own, in a world that is interpreted for us by others. An interpreted world is not HOME. Part of the terror is to take back our own listening, to use... Continue Reading →

The Magic of Gratitude Amidst the Swirl

Greetings to each of you, wherever you may be! I'm wishing you a blessed season of gratitude and Lights, despite so many things that might make our hearts and minds heavy. Sometimes small practices help to re-center amidst the swirl,... Continue Reading →

Season of Lights: Let Your Light Shine (and that Bruce S version we love!)

(This post originally appeared in December 2018, but it, like some of the symbols of this season, is evergreen. While things swirl, challenge, and change around us, we find grounding and solace (and sometimes new insight) in the "through-line" or... Continue Reading →

Seasonal Reflections: Ancestral Wisdom and Deep Roots

[This is an updated version of a Sophia's Children favorite for this time of the year.] To hallow is "to make holy or sacred, to sanctify or consecrate, to venerate". (Wikipedia) It's a fine time for drawing up insight and... Continue Reading →

The Wisdom of Là Fhèill Brìghde (and Mad Skillz)

Yes, I'm resurfacing after a sabbatical (of sorts) from the Sophia's Children blog, though no sabbatical at all from practicing the Way out in the world. No complaints - there's been (and remains) a lot to do. How are you?... Continue Reading →

The Time for Heart Fullness: Lùnastal and the Lion’s Gate

How are you? We've had a pretty wild year or two, yes? While I've been on a bit of a sabbatical this last year or so from new writing here at Sophia's Children -- and social media and online time... Continue Reading →

2020, Epiphany, and the Saturn-Pluto and Uranus Thing

The year 2020 is now in the rearview mirror, never to return -- something that most people seem glad about, even while a lot of vital conversation was stirred, old norms and unhealthy complacency shaken up, and ongoing dialogue and... Continue Reading →

Black (Madonna) Friday and Islands of Sanity, Revisited.

Greetings, my friends! It's that time - Black (Madonna) Friday, the gateway to the Season of Lights, gratitude, and appreciation; and the sometimes (okay, often) scary Holiday Shopping Season. What's more, we're still navigating some amplified, sometimes challenging astro-energetic transits... Continue Reading →

Amidst the Whirlwind, Center.

I hope you are all well! Or, if you've been experiencing challenges, may you find the resources and resourcefulness, and be met with kindness and generosity, to support you in finding your way through. My goodness! From what I've seen,... Continue Reading →

Mary Magdalene, Heroine of the Faith

July 22nd is designated as the 'feast day' for Mary Magdalene or Mariamene e Mara (which means Mariamne the Master) in the various traditions that observe calendared remembrances. While some Protestant communities don't do feast days, per se, Magdalene is... Continue Reading →

An Update, and A Dark Night of the Soul Musing.

Greetings, my friends! I hope you're well. I've been more quiet in recent months where posting here at Sophia's Children is concerned, but I've not been absent. Far from it. Life's had me sharing gifts and presence a bit more... Continue Reading →

Alleluia, and Good Morning

A lovely Easter musing ... Featured Image Credit: The First Easter, 1893-1896, by Arthur Hughes. PD via Wiki.

Temenos: Being a Wise and Healing Sanctuary

"The work of Temenos could not be more important..." "In the great spiritual traditions of the world it is understood that wisdom and compassion go hand in hand. But it is also understood that following this path requires both courage... Continue Reading →

The Wisdom of Imbolc, Candlemas, and/or Là Fhèill Brìghde.

It's that magical thin-time of the year again, so here's some refreshed Imbolc-Candlemas inspiration to take you into this deeply creative, deeply Yin-Feminine time of the year. Imbolc-Candlemas is celebrated during the first few days of February, and the exact-point... Continue Reading →

Epiphany and the Power of Your Presence

e·piph·a·ny To reveal. Shine. Manifest Revelation. An Illuminating Realization or Discovery Resulting in Elation, Awe, Wonder. It's Epiphany, or the first of eight days of Epiphany ... well, it's more than that. This year, Epiphany follows close on the heels... Continue Reading →

Good Neighbors: The Good Things People Do – Le Soupe

In the Season of Lights posts that I've shared here over the years, many traditions include teachings about our Divine Spark -- "This Little Light of Mine" as the song goes (see yesterday's post for Bruce's amazing, smile-inducing rendition of... Continue Reading →

Season of Lights: Let Your Spark Shine (and Updated Video Link From Bruce)

Yes, it is the Season of Lights celebrated over many generations in various cultural and spiritual traditions, with candles, lamps, and little (or big) sparklies shining from mini 'World Trees' (a.k.a. Christmas and Yule Trees), wreaths, and around doorways and... Continue Reading →

MuseWorthy Reflection: Distress That Becomes Grace.

"Only when distress turns to remembrance and blame of others is erased, is pride extracted from our egos, humbleness settles in our hearts, and the door of grace opens." ~ A paraphrase from Kabir Dede. A heart-centering reflection for the... Continue Reading →

Waiting in the In-Between (and Finding the Clues Hidden There)

Once again (or as is often the case), I've heard from quite a few of you sharing that you're experiencing passages of 'standstill', 'stuckness', and/or 'in-betweens'. All of this despite it being a season of busyness and even anxious frenzy... Continue Reading →

At the End of the Selfie Era? Then What …

"So let me rephrase, we live at the end of an era characterized by relentless anxiety around the self as a product: what it means, who owns it, what it costs, what it’s worth. The word celebrity suggests that this value... Continue Reading →

Thanks, Giving. (And a Jinn (Gee Thanks) Full Moon)

It's Thanksgiving week here in the United States, though the underlying notion of giving thanks, or gracefully receiving, and having some appreciation and gratitude (magic!), can be summoned up at any time, in any place. Of course, I'm thinking about the... Continue Reading →

BlogShare: “Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm”

Hello, fellow Earth-Walkers. Yes, lots getting stirred up, for better and worse, which is kind of normal, really. We can navigate this, though, if we stay both alert and relaxed. No problem, right? Over the coming week, we'll also have... Continue Reading →

“Responding Creatively” as a Kind of Activism (and Coming Through Perfect Storms)

Ever wonder just what you can do, contribute, in the face of what often seems overwhelming odds, too much tragedy and suffering, and powerful pot-stirrers who seem to jones on and profit from the mess? I know I've mused and... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Delving To Reclaim the Deepest of Values

The Energies of Now feature a whole lot of potent energy currents, stirring the proverbial pot, disturbing the complacency of "normal," catalyzing energy (and temperature) shifts, extending yet another invitation to us, and all ... with what particular theme or... Continue Reading →

Dealing With Sanctimonious A**es (And What We Can Learn From Them)

Yes, I do mean what you think I mean by "sanctimonious a**es." It made sense to get right to it, rather than hedge with more gentle, round-about language, since I noticed a theme arising. 'Tis the season, in line with... Continue Reading →

Wisdom, Dignity and Courage Shine Amidst the (Senate) Circus.

"The hateful, the aggressive, the truly, truly awful manner which with so many are acting now has got to end. This is not who we are. This is not who we should be. This is not who we raise our... Continue Reading →

It’s Time For Uncommon Skills and Islands of Sanity. Again.

"I know it is possible to create islands of sanity in the midst of disruptive seas. … And I have studied enough history to know that such leaders always arise when they are most needed. Now it’s our turn." ~... Continue Reading →

A Less-Mentioned (but Huge) “Ism.”

Jeff Japp, in his Stuff Jeff Reads blog, muses about another of the super-insidious yet not as often mentioned "isms" ingrained and "toxic-normalized" into our culture, alongside racism and sexism/misogyny, linking what we see now with what Shakespeare wrote about in... Continue Reading →

There’s a Reason It’s Called ‘Golden’

Generally, when something's "golden" it's considered good, optimal, desirable, refined, auspicious. A golden opportunity. The Golden Rule. The Golden Mean. Someone who's able to turn straw into gold -- creating something valuable, that benefits others, from humble origins or 'raw... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: The Train (Finally) Leaves the Station.

In the film Sliding Doors, Lydia makes a frustration-laden comment that's a fair expression of the recent weeks (or couple of months). Ever found yourself thinking like this? "I'm standing on the platform at Limbo Central with my heart and... Continue Reading →

How Can HeArtful Inquiry Be a Powerful Practice? (The Question Holds the Lantern)

Mindful inquiry. Sacred inquiry. Transformative inquiry. Affirmative inquiry. All of these point to a particular way of working with questions that's a little different from the same old, same old. This was one of the topics (or themes, or skill... Continue Reading →

Who Made Breaches of “Social Conscience” Uncool (and “Reformation of Manners” Cool?)

“Social conscience" obliges the individual to act. Today we call for action all the time, but mostly from government, which is another way of excusing us and allowing us to get on with the distractions of the day." ~ Mark... Continue Reading →

Heartistry and Whole-Heartedness: Lùnastal, Edgy Energies, Pivot Points and Possibilities

"An awakened heart is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be honored, protected, and expressed, with all of the fierceness of the regal Lioness and Lion." In these days and times, an awakened heart -- individually... Continue Reading →

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