1. Alex & Clémence - Showers and goosebumps

    6/5/2024: "Clémence, could you come here for a second?" The words echo in my ears as I'm about to make my way to the gym lockers. "Sure, coach Julia, what is it?" I ask, joining her on the football field as my teammates make their way to the showers. "You seemed of read Sex Story
    Categories: Lesbian Author: ruby212, Source: LushStories
  2. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 10

    6/5/2024: Getting Married Set Me Free by Vanessa Evans Part 10 Saturday After being woken up the usual way and having another awesome lovemaking session, Dylan asked me how my Bucket List was coming along. I reached for my phone and showed Dylan what I had got. As he read it I could see the smile on his face. Esther’s Bucket List 1. Be tied, naked and spread eagle to a table or wall and be read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com
  3. The Beauty of FMBs

    6/5/2024: The heady aroma of new leather, the softness of the brushed suede, and the elegance of a four-inch stiletto heel are intoxicatingly sexy. The hum of the zipper, as it climbs up a sheer, stockinged, shapely calf, euphoniously arousing. A crossed leg swingi read Sex Story
    Categories: Microfiction, Author: redhotspice, Source: LushStories
  4. History of a free Use wife 2

    6/5/2024: The next day I was called over to James’s house by my BF, I was terrified, what if James came clean, what if Tommy knows more than what he’s letting on. It seemed to take forever to walk that short distance. When I got there, they were all just hanging out as normal and my BF told me to come sit next to him. I sat quietly looking at James and watching for any hints as if I was caught. James read Sex Story
    Categories: True Story Cheating Coercion Female exhibitionist, Author: chipmonk57, Source: sexstories.com
  5. Desire and Action (1): Sophias dream

    6/5/2024: Sophia Cap1 Sophia was a blonde and fit young girl. She played soccer and beachvolleyball in highschool. Her long and beautiful legs and her slim and fit body made her look like a model, even in her young age. For the first time, Sophia had quite a down in her life. She was still the captain of the soccer team, but at the beach volleyball team, there was a younger, taller version of her who read Sex Story
    Categories: Diary , Ass to mouth Blowjob Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Teen Young Author: jeybooooom, Source: sexstories.com

    6/5/2024: I grew up in Greenville, NC... a little town about an hour and a half east of Raleigh. My only sibling was my brother, Justin, who was a year younger than me. While growing up, we were pretty close, although we managed to have occasional disagreements and quarrels, like any two kids, but for the most part we hung together.... especially when we were young. Our bedrooms were on the second floor of read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cheating Coercion Cum Swallowing Incest Male/Female Oral Sex Teen Male/Teen Female Written by women Author: FrameByFrame, Source: sexstories.com
  7. Kanani in the Pool

    6/5/2024: It wasn't right what I did. I still feel guilty about it 30 years later. How could I have been such an asshole? I need to write the story down just to get it out of my head so I can fucking sleep at night. Here you go. The Carlsons were a Godsend to me. They lived a couple of houses up the street. Samantha was almost literally the girl next door. Her twin brother, Jacob, was one of my best read Sex Story
    Categories: Mature Author: byJerryDancer, Source: Literotica
  8. My Sexy Mother-In-Law

    6/4/2024: Part fiction, but mostly true. Two years into our married life, Tracey went off to Spain on a hen week with her best friend, to whom she was to be a bridesmaid. I stayed at home and continued to work while she was away. I also carried out errands for my r read Sex Story
    Categories: Cheating Author: Glowbob, Source: LushStories
  9. Allie and the neighbor

    6/4/2024: The man had moved in next door a few weeks ago, a divorced guy in his 40's and obviously had a bit of money to afford the house, plus he had a new Porsche 911 in the garage. I had only chatted to him briefly, he was involved in finance or private equity or similar. He certainly seemed to have plenty of friends, there were often other cars in the driveway and on the verge as well as Ubers doing read Sex Story
    Categories: Fetish, Author: byhollytbowl, Source: Literotica
  10. Julie's Stud

    6/4/2024: Julie trusts him, likes him a lot, but doesn’t love him. He is always gentle, caring, and considerate with her. Above all else, she trusts his cock inside her when they’re fucking for the camera. After they finish fucking, she always thanks him, kisses hi read Sex Story
    Categories: Straight Sex, Author: maxinexx, Source: LushStories