New & Notable


Startup partnerships at MIT Sloan event rev sales channels

Early-stage companies featured at MIT Sloan's annual CIO event tap partners to speed up technology deployment and broaden their offerings and distribution channels.


Kaseya Connect Global brings Partner First Pledge, new service

Kaseya's pledge to partners promises more pricing controls and a new subscription service that lets MSPs manage and secure their clients' environments at a lower cost.


Gartner's IT services forecast calls for consulting uptick

IT service providers could benefit from a less-constrained tech purchasing climate as enterprises seek to bolster in-house skills with consulting services.


Use of AI in business drives increase in consulting services

The slice of businesses using external providers for AI uptake is set to more than double, according to U.S. Census survey data. Industry leaders say that tracks with their outlook.

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    service-level agreement (SLA)

    A service-level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and its customers that documents what services the provider will furnish and defines the service standards the provider is obligated to meet. A service-level commitment (SLC) ...

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    RMM software (remote monitoring and management software)

    RMM software (remote monitoring and management software) is a type of application that information technology (IT) service providers and departments use to maintain their clients' and business organizations' IT assets, infrastructure and systems.

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    cloud provisioning

    Cloud provisioning is the allocation of a cloud provider's resources and services to a customer.

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