Order of Precedence, Kingdom of Atlantia

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Award Listings

Atlantian AwardsW3C Compliant Link Spacer

Principality AtlantiaW3C Compliant Link Spacer

Atlantian MonarchsW3C Compliant Link Spacer

Atlantian BaroniesW3C Compliant Link Spacer

Atlantian OPW3C Compliant Link Spacer

Roll of ArmsW3C Compliant Link Spacer

SearchW3C Compliant Link Spacer

CorrectionsW3C Compliant Link Spacer

Alphabetical by SCA NameW3C Compliant Link Spacer
    A   W3C Compliant Link Spacer Æ  W3C Compliant Link Spacer B   W3C Compliant Link Spacer CW3C Compliant Link Spacer
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    Ø   W3C Compliant Link Spacer P   W3C Compliant Link Spacer Q   W3C Compliant Link Spacer RW3C Compliant Link Spacer
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    ALL (printable, large)W3C Compliant Link Spacer

Award by DateW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Royal PeersW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Duke/DuchessW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Count/CountessW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Viscount/ViscountessW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Bestowed PeersW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      ChivalryW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      LaurelW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      PelicanW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      DefenseW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Landed BaronageW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Territorial BaronageW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Retired BaronageW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Orders of High MeritW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      White ScarfW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Sea StagW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      KrakenW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Yew BowW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      PearlW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Golden DolphinW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Golden Lance of AtlantiaW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Grants of ArmsW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Grant of ArmsW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Orders of MeritW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Silver OspreyW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Sea DragonW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      King's MissiliersW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Coral BranchW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      OpalW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      QuintainW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Court BaronageW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Court BaronageW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Awards of ArmsW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Award of ArmsW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Society AwardsW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      SupportersW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Augmentaion of ArmsW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Kingdom OrdersW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      RoseW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Queen's Order of CourtesyW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      NonpareilW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Kingdom AwardsW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Shark's ToothW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Silver NautilusW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      FountainW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      KAEW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      UndineW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      HerringW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Vexillum AtlantiaeW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Star of the SeaW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Golden ElephantW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Golden LampW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Youth AwardsW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Sea UrchinW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      HippocampusW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Sea TygerW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      AlcyonW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      ArielleW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Kingdom HonorsW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Saint AidanW3C Compliant Link Spacer
   Closed OrdersW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      Silver NeedleW3C Compliant Link Spacer
      l'Academie d'EspeeW3C Compliant Link Spacer


Atlantian College of HeraldsW3C Compliant Link Spacer

Kingdom of AtlantiaW3C Compliant Link Spacer

Award RecommendationsW3C Compliant Link Spacer

W3C Compliant Link Spacer   Atlantian Order of Precedence
OP Line

Welcome to the Atlantian Order of Precedence!

The Atlantian Order of Precedence includes all the accolades bestowed upon the populace of Atlantia that have been reported to the Clerk of Precedence.

Please send all Royal court reports to royalcourtreport AT atlantia.sca.org: This alias emails the Clerk of Precedence, the Triton Principal Herald, the Clerk Signet, the Backlog Deputy, the Kraken Herald, the Pearl Herald, the Kingdom Web Minister and the presiding Crowns. Alternatively, a Royal Court Report form is available.

Please send all Baronial court reports to courtreport AT atlantia.sca.org: This alias emails the Clerk of Precedence, the Triton Principal Herald, the Clerk Signet, the Backlog Deputy, the Kraken Herald, the Pearl Herald and the Kingdom Web Minister. Baronial court reports should also be reported to the presiding coronets and the baronial herald (if not the one conducting court). Alternatively, a Baronial Court Report form is available.

For updates and corrections, please use the Corrections form.

Dame Alexandria Wright
Clerk of Precedence
op AT atlantia.sca.org

Recently Entered Court Reports
Event Host Group Court Date Court Type Court Time Date Entered
Spring Crown Tournament Hidden Mountain 5/4/2024 Royal - Atlantia Field 2 5/4/2024
Spring Crown Tournament Hidden Mountain 5/4/2024 Royal - Atlantia Field 5/6/2024
Spring Crown Tournament Hidden Mountain 5/4/2024 Royal - Atlantia Evening 5/6/2024
Spring Crown Tournament Hidden Mountain 5/4/2024 Baronial - Hidden Mountain Evening 5/6/2024
Pennsic War 50 Æthelmearc 8/7/2023 Baronial - Stierbach Field 5/13/2024
Hawkwood Baronial Birthday XX: The Great Unicorn Hunt! Hawkwood 5/11/2024 Royal - Atlantia Afternoon 5/17/2024
Hawkwood Baronial Birthday XX: The Great Unicorn Hunt! Hawkwood 5/11/2024 Baronial - Hawkwood Evening 5/17/2024
On Target Lochmere 5/11/2024 Baronial - Lochmere Afternoon 5/17/2024
Skewered IV: There and Back Again Roxbury Mill 5/18/2024 Royal - Atlantia All 5/21/2024
Ruby Joust XII Caer Mear 5/26/2024 Royal - Atlantia Field 5/27/2024
Dragon's Fire III Saint Georges 5/18/2024 Baronial - Nottinghill Coill Afternoon 5/29/2024
Ruby Joust XII Caer Mear 5/26/2024 Baronial - Storvik Field 5/29/2024
Ruby Joust XII Caer Mear 5/25/2024 Royal - Atlantia 12:00 pm 5/29/2024
Ruby Joust XII Caer Mear 5/25/2024 Baronial - Caer Mear Afternoon 5/29/2024
Ruby Joust XII Caer Mear 5/25/2024 Royal - Atlantia Afternoon 5/29/2024
Ruby Joust XII Caer Mear 5/25/2024 Royal - Atlantia Evening 5/29/2026

Expected Court Reports
Event Host Group Court Date Court Type Court Time Herald Due Date
Not Quite Quarterly Braggin' Rights IV Ritterwald 6/15/2024 Royal - Atlantia All   6/29/2024
Atlantian Bardic Madness Atlantia 6/29/2024 Royal - Atlantia All   7/14/2024
Warrior's Games 2024 Tear-Sea's Shore 7/13/2024 Royal - Atlantia All   7/27/2024
Pennsic War Æthelmearc 7/27/2024 Royal - Atlantia All   8/25/2024
Trial By Fire & Lochmere Arrow (Take 2) Bright Hills 8/31/2024 Baronial - Bright Hills All   9/15/2024

OP Line

Historical Information
Kingdom of Atlantia The Kings and Queens of Atlantia
The Kingdom of Atlantia's ruling monarchs in history.
Kingdom of Atlantia The Princes and Princesses of Atlantia
The Kingdom of Atlantia's ruling Princes and Princesses from the time when Atlantia was a principality of the East Kingdom.
Baronies of Atlantia The Baronies of Atlantia

A listing of the Order of Precedence for the Baronies of Atlantia.
Award Listings - Alphabetical by SCA Name
ALL (Printable, LARGE)
Atlantian OP
Atlantian Order of Precedence

The Order of Precedence for the populace of Atlantia.

Atlantian Award Descriptions | Atlantian Awards by Precedence | Atlantian Awards by Discipline

Royal Peers
Dukes/Duchesses Dukes/Duchesses
Royal Peer: One becomes a duke or duchess after ruling a kingdom twice.
Counts/Countesses Counts/Countesses
Royal Peer: One becomes a count or countess after ruling a kingdom once.
Viscounts/Viscountesses Viscounts/Viscountesses
Royal Peer: One becomes a Viscount or Viscountess after ruling a principality once. These are from foreign principalities, or from the time when Atlantia was a principality of the East Kingdom. Atlantia has no principalities at this time.
Bestowed Peers
Order of the Chivalry (Knighthood) Order of the Chivalry (Masters/Mistresses at Arms) Chivalry
Bestowed Patent: One becomes a Knight or Master/Mistress at Arms through martial prowess on the field.
Order of the Laurel Laurels
Bestowed Patent: One becomes a Laurel through excellence in the arts and sciences.
Order of the Pelican Pelicans
Bestowed Patent: One becomes a Pelican through excellence in service.
Order of Defense Defense
Bestowed Patent: One becomes a Master of Defense through martial prowess on the rapier or cut-and-thrust field.
Landed Baronage
Territorial Baronage Territorial Baronage
Retired Territorial Baronage Retired Territorial Baronage
Grants of Arms Level (including Orders of High Merit)
Grant of Arms
Order of the Golden Dolphin Golden Dolphin
Grant Level: The Order of the Golden Dolphin honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their exceptional service and leadership in the Kingdom of Atlantia.
Order of the Pearl Pearl
Grant Level: The Order of the Pearl honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their efforts and their excellence in the arts and sciences of the period and/or their willingness to teach those same arts and sciences.
Order of the Kraken Kraken
Grant Level: The Order of the Kraken honors and recognizes those non-belted fighters who have distinguished themselves by consistent excellence on the field.
Order of the White Scarf White Scarf
Grant Level: The Order of the White Scarf of Atlantia honors and recognizes those subjects who have excelled in the exercise and advance of the noble art of fence.
Order of the Sea Stag Sea Stag
Grant Level: The Order of the Sea Stag honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their teaching of armored combat and rapier combat.
Order of the Yew Bow Yew Bow
Grant Level: The Order of the Yew Bow honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their excellence with bow and arrow (both target and combat), thrown weapons, and/or siegecraft or the teaching of those same skills.
Order of the Golden Lance of Atlantia Golden Lance of Atlantia
Grant Level: The Order of the Golden Lance of Atlantia honors and recognizes those subjects who have demonstrated exceptional expertise in the arts of equestrian activities and who have, through service to the equestrian community, advanced those arts and promoted them.
Awards of Arms Level (including Court Baronage and Orders of Merit)
Award of Arms
Court Baronage Court Baron/Baroness
Order of the Opal Opal
AoA Level: The Order of the Opal honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their service to Atlantia.
Order of the Coral Branch Coral Branch
AoA Level: The Order of the Coral Branch honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves in their effort and shown excellence in arts and sciences of the period.
Order of the Silver Osprey Silver Osprey
AoA Level: The Order of the Silver Osprey honors and recognizes those non-belted fighters who have distinguished themselves by their effort and shown excellence on the heavy field.
Order of the Sea Dragon Sea Dragon
AoA Level: The Order of the Sea Dragon honors and recognizes those non-White Scarf Rapier fighters who have distinguished themselves by their effort and shown excellence on the Rapier field.
Order of the King's Missiliers King's Missiliers
AoA Level: The Order of the King's Missiliers honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their effort and shown excellence with bow and arrow (both target and combat), thrown weapon, and/or siegecraft.
Order of the Quintain Quintain
AoA Level: The Order of the Quintain honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their consistent effort and shown excellence in the pursuit of equestrian activities.
Non-Armigerous Society Awards
Augmentation of Arms
Non-Armigerous Kingdom Orders
Order of the Rose Order of the Rose
One becomes a member of the Order of the Rose after successfully completing one reign as Consort.
Order of the Nonpareil Order of the Nonpareil
The Order of the Nonpareil honors and recognizes those who have shown excellence, honor, courtesy or chivalry above and beyond any duty. The members of this Order exemplify what it means to be an Atlantian. This award may be given only once per reign and is conveyed solely at the discretion of the Crown.
Queen's Order of Courtesy Queen's Order of Courtesy
The Queen's Order of Courtesy shall be conferred by the Queen/Consort of Atlantia upon such subjects as she deems worthy by reason of their consistently exemplary courtesy to subjects of all ranks in this Realm and in the Society at large.
Non-Armigerous Kingdom Awards
Award of the Fountain Fountain
The Award of the Fountain recognizes and honors those who have performed acts of service for the Kingdom of Atlantia.
Award of the Herring Herring
The Award of the Herring honors and recognizes those who have distinguished themselves by extraordinary achievement as autocrats.
Award of the Shark's Tooth Shark's Tooth
The Award of the Shark's Tooth recognizes and honors those who have performed acts of valor for the Kingdom of Atlantia.
Award of the Silver Nautilus Silver Nautilus
The Award of the Silver Nautilus honors and recognizes those who have distinguished themselves by an extraordinary achievement in the Arts and Sciences.
Award of the Star of the Sea Star of the Sea
The Award of the Star of the Sea honors and recognizes those who have distinguished themselves by extraordinary contributions in ensuring the future of our Kingdom through our youth or new members; furthering their educational growth to become active and productive members of Atlantia.
Award of the Undine Undine
The Award of the Undine honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves with exceptional service to the Queen/Consort of Atlantia. This award is a gift solely of the Queen/Consort to whomever is deemed deserving.
King's Award of Excellence King's Award of Excellence
The King's Award of Excellence honors and recognizes those who have distinguished themselves by their excellent contributions to the Kingdom of Atlantia. This award is a gift solely of the King/Sovereign to whomever is deemed deserving.
Award of the Vexillum Atlantiae Vexillum Atlantiae
The Vexillum Atlantiae (the Award of the Banner) honors and recognizes the ferocity and valor of a group of fighters as a whole, not as individuals. When they fight as a unit, the group will have the honor of carrying the banner with the heraldry of the award into battle.
Golden Elephant
The Award of the Golden Elephant honors and recognizes a group of individuals for their Excellence in Service to the Kingdom of Atlantia.
Golden Lamp
The Award of the Golden Lamp honors and recognizes a group of individuals for their Excellence in the Arts and Sciences to the Kingdom of Atlantia.
Youth Awards
Order of the Sea Urchin Sea Urchin
The Award of the Sea Urchin honors and recognizes those children (up to and including the age of 12), who have distinguished themselves by their contributions to the Kingdom of Atlantia in service, martial activities, and/or arts and sciences.
Award of Arielle Arielle
The Award of Arielle honors and recognizes those young people (up to and including the age of 17), who have distinguished themselves by their acts of courtesy.
Order of the Hippocampus Hippocampus
The Order of the Hippocampus honors and recognizes those young people (up to and including the age of 17), who have distinguished themselves by their service and contributions to the Kingdom of Atlantia.
Order of the Alcyon Alcyon
The Order of the Alcyon honors and recognizes those young people (up to and including the age of 17), who have distinguished themselves by their labors and achievements in the arts and sciences.
Order of the Sea Tyger Sea Tyger
The Order of the Sea Tyger honors and recognizes those young people (up to and including the age of 17), who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor and chivalry in Youth martial activities.

Kingdom Honors
Order of Saint Aidan Company of Sergeants of Saint Aidan
This is a fighting order where members are selected by existing order members and brought in by the King.
Closed Orders
Order of the Silver Needle
Closed order for costuming.
Order of l'Academie d'Espee
Closed order for rapier. This order was replaced by the Order of the White Scarf.

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The data on this web site is maintained by the Clerk of Precedence, Dame Alexandria Wright. Please use the corrections form to report any issues with OP data.

This is the recognized website for the Order of Precedence of the Kingdom of Atlantia of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by Kingdom Web Minister. This site may contain electronic versions of the branch's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Copyright © 2005-2024 Order of Precedence of the Kingdom of Atlantia. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.

For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the web minister at opweb AT atlantia.sca.org. They will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.

All external links are not part of the Order of Precedence website. Inclusion of a page or site here is neither implicit nor explicit endorsement of the site. Further, SCA, Inc. is not responsible for content outside of op.atlantia.sca.org.

The award badge images were created by Bran Trefonnen, Seamus The Tinker, and Etienne Le Mons.