45th Mourne Mountain Marathon

21st & 22nd September 2024
Mourne Mountains, Northern Ireland

In partnership with Mac in a Sac

Not your average 26 mile marathon!

Come and test your navigation and endurance skills every September, in the Mourne Mountains, Northern Ireland. A competitive event for teams of two, who can enter one of four categories, covering between 35km and 55km over two days. There is also a one day score class. Camp overnight and be self-sufficient. Walkers to elite runners.



For the Elite, B, C & D classes, the fastest team around a set number of control markers over the 2 days wins. For the score, the team that collects the most points in six hours wins.

The distance vs. ascent ratio are guidelines and will vary depending on terrain, weather, competitor experience and level of fitness.

What you get

Challenging courses, amazing mountain experience
Flexible start time on day 1
Wide spread of prize categories
SPORTident race timing
Friendly atmosphere
T-shirt and car sticker
Refreshments at end of day 2

What it costs

£110 per team (U23 & Adult-Junior teams £75)
Score Class £40 per team
 200 team limit. 

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Early Bird Prize Draw 2024

Enter early and WIN with our lead sponsor Mac In A Sac.


Entries Open 1st May 2024

We're back for our 45th year! Entries for the Mourne Mountain Marathon

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