Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

A resource and gathering site for people interested in playing and constructing early banjos, and the history of minstrel music in America.



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Tom Taggart replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"I still check this site now and then. Been playing mostly 3-finger style and claw-hammer banjo lately but still pick up my early banjo once in a while to keep my hand in. I have run into a couple of young folks (late teens to early 20's) at…"
Joel Hooks replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"I believe Facebook groups has diverted much attention away from these old style message boards.  Sadly, Facebook groups are impossible to search for old discussions and info and they glitch out often.  The whole experience is designed to…"
May 24
Paul Draper replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"“Nulla dies sine nota.” Stop by for a visit if you feel like it.... https://youtube.com/@pauldraperbanjo"
May 21
Al Smitley replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"It didn't take long.  As soon as a song gained some popularity, song sheets came out using that melody about news events of the day.  The song sheets must've had a very short window of sales opportunities as, when the next news…"
Apr 21
Strumelia replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"Al, thanks for that!  I had not thought about later musicians applying new non-rascist lyrics to the older melodies. That makes sense. Like Brian, I usually played only the melodies anyway without singing.  Lately I have been into some of…"
Apr 21
Al Smitley replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"I'll add that even the Hutchinson Family Singers, who felt the minstrel show and songs vulgar and racially distasteful, used minstrel melodies to which they added abolitionist words."
Apr 21
Al Smitley replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"A lot of topical songs of the era (in the form of song sheets) used minstrel melodies to fashion their words to.  Some of them are not so nice either but that is one way to get around minstrel lyrics if you still enjoy the melodies....and I…"
Apr 21
Strumelia replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"Brian, yes I still run my mountain dulcimer site at  https://fotmd.com/ - fifteen years now, and it's still quite active and fun.  😀"
Apr 20
Brian Kimerer replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"Strumelia, It is sad that you have stopped playing music.  Some of those old tunes are nice tunes if you just drop the lyrics. I have been playing Whistling Rufus for a number of years now, but did not even know that it had lyrics. I just…"
Apr 20
Strumelia replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"I confess I've not been playing music. Life has set me to various new or revisited focuses. Those weird cycles we go through in life! Though this bothers me, it doesn't seem to bother me enough to do something about it right now. 🤷  I…"
Apr 20
Rob Mohr replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"I've kinda floated over to playing more clawhammer. Admittedly, I've neglected the minstrel. But hey, this gives me reason enough to pick it up again & start posting more videos."
Apr 19
Brian Kimerer replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"LOL. "Hoist with my own petard""
Mar 23
Strumelia replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"(_)=='=~If only the best bird sang, the forest would be a very quiet place."
Mar 22
Brian Kimerer replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"I have not been here for a very long time. I have not been playing the banjo for the last couple of years. I found that I was getting worse at it instead of better, and that was discouraging. I have no group to play with, and that is discouraging.…"
Mar 22
Al Smitley replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"Good to see you back again, Andy.  Music is a constant exploration and sometimes a hiatus, as well."
Mar 18
Andy Chase replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"6-7 years ago my musical pendulum swung more towards classic style for a few years, then early jazz and plectrum banjo, and then away from banjo music altogether.It's swung back to the middle somewhat over the last few months, to the point…"
Mar 16
rick Ceballos replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"Hi Strumelia, it has been a long time since I have been here. I started playing Bach on the banjo which has taken a lot of time and effort.Ai just got a Bell Boucher banjo so now I will be revisiting my minstrel repertoire. Thanks for reaching out."
Mar 14
Samurai banjo liked Tony Thomas's discussion The hard truths about Picayune Butler
Mar 1
Al Smitley replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - why
"I just don't know how to record.  I've done it before but can't remember how and never get around to relearning."
Feb 14
Strumelia replied to Strumelia's discussion A new Discussion - test
"Ok, looks like it functions today. so....  Here's a question to any one still around- Can you give some of the reasons you think you are not posting here anymore?  I mean reasons aside from "others are not posting lately".…"
Feb 14


A new Discussion - why

Started by Strumelia in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tom Taggart on Tuesday. 19 Replies

Shopping for a banjo

Started by Mara Eagle in Uncategorized May 15. 0 Replies


Started by Al Smitley in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tom Taggart Feb 14. 6 Replies

someone trying to join here...

Started by Strumelia in Uncategorized. Last reply by Strumelia Jan 24, 2023. 2 Replies



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