Cosmetic & Family Dentistry

Your Choice for the Best Cosmetic Dentist in Houston Texas

Excellent Cosmetic Dentistry Made Easy

There is a Story Behind Every Smile

I've had bridges ... and I knew I didn't want dentures but the teeth were falling apart ... Dr. Penchas gave me a full restoration ... I am really pleased with this. It is remarkable"

- Capt. Rick Hays

More Stories Behind Every Smile

Many of our patients use financing options for their cosmetic procedures
Are you hiding your smile because of the embarrassing condition of your teeth? Get a more full-filling and confident life by investing in Cosmetic Dentistry. Enjoy Smiling again with affordable cosmetic treatments. Cosmetic Dentistry treatments are not only cost-effective but can last a lifetime. Bring your smile to the Midtown Dentistry team of experts. They will give you a smile you desire that is both healthy and affordable.
Making it Easy to Get the Smile You Deserve

Let's Get You Started at Midtown Dentistry

Technical expertise and advanced technology

What are Same Day Veneers?

Midtown Dentistry now offers the new patented Veneers in a Day.

The typical veneer often takes two or more visits to complete. In contrast, the single visit veneer uses CAD/CAM technology that creates extremely accurate digital images of your teeth and gums.

Our lab prepares your custom made porcelain veneers ahead of time to the color and shape we specify, and we place and deliver them in one appointment.

Yes, you can have a total cosmetic smile makeover done in one visit, and unlike standard veneers, there will be no more time-consuming and messy dental impressions. You don’t need to walk around with plastic temporaries covering your teeth for weeks nor worry about temporary veneers breaking or causing swollen or bleeding gums.

"I bet you can't tell what he did?"
Do You want to change your life?

'My teeth always seem to chip and break …. I tried many things … after all the years of failed treatments … I met Dr. Penchas … he was honest, he was thorough and didn’t up up sell me … he let me pick my treatment choice … over the last 2-year I had my whole mouth restored to this awesome smile."

- Laska Santino

Early Morning and Saturday Appointments Available
We’re open on Saturdays and early mornings, and we offer same-day appointments. We provide excellent dental care and services at fair prices. Our specialty is  cost-effective cosmetic dental procedures that not only enhance your smile but promote life-long oral health We’ve enhanced the smiles of thousands of patients in Houston, let us be your dentist.
Houston's all-in-one Dental Implant Offices

Dr. Penchas has over 25-years of Dental Implant Experience

The Best Cosmetic Dentist in Houston | Midtown Dentistry
Are You Thinking About Dental Implants?

When you get your implants at Midtown Dentistry, you receive quick, precise care, from one of Houston’s dental implant experts – all in one office location.

Using Midtown Dentistry’s state of the art CAT Scans, we provide you with complimentary and stress-free dental implant evaluation. 

Within minutes, we can determine if you are a candidate for implants and come up with a treatment plan and no surprise cost.

Our expert dentists along with the 3-D CAT Scans technology we will provide you with:

We’ve enhanced the smiles of thousands of patients. Stop by for a low-stress consultation. We’ll make it easy to smile again.

A Solution that can last 20-years or more

What is All-on-4 or Permanent Teeth in One Day®?

Sometimes called All-on-4 or hybrid dentures, the Permanent Teeth in One Day® procedure is generally more cost-effective than a full mouth of dental implants, and at Midtown Dentistry the process can be completed in one day.  

The full-arch is attached to the jaw with only four titanium implants.  This procedure is minimally invasive, and the outcome is more comfortable than dentures.

We’ve enhanced the smiles of thousands of patients. Stop by for a low-stress consultation. We’ll make it easy to smile again.

Serving Houston, Tx for 29-Year

Both Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in 1-Location

Whether you need a simple cleaning or an advanced dental implant treatment, we’ll provide you with the best cosmetic dental and general dental care in Texas.

We’ve brightened the lives and smiles of many patients. Get your smile brightened by Houston’s best cosmetic dentist.

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Both Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in 1-Location
"Over 25-years in Houston and we guarantee we can make you want to smile again"
Dr. Jonathan Penchas
penchas call to action
Our Specialty is Cosmetic Dentistry but

We solve your Dental Problems too!

We Strive to put youR Needs first
"... I woke up with a toothache..."
David M.
David M.
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I'm in Houston from Charlotte on a work trip and woke up (yesterday) with a toothache. It kept getting worse and worse getting to the point of a migraine and throbbing pain within 15 inches of my tooth. I confirmed that Midtown accepted my insurance and asked how soon they could see me. They told me to come in now and shortly afterward I was having an infected tooth pulled and my jaw bone scrapped clean. I told Dr. Patel and his team that pain killers don't work on me very well, but they found a way to make me comfortable during the procedure and I left in significantly less pain than I was in when I arrived. Thanks to Dr. Patel, his staff and the Midtown Dentistry team for taking such great care of me!
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