New Year – New Directions

I’m sailing into 2024 with new friends, new work…and a new haircut 😉. As an Arbitrator for the Financial Services Industry (FINRA), I handle dispute resolutions under the SEC. I’m also working for a finance company in Thailand as an Executive Assistant. I love remote and challenging work! What new directions are you taking or seeking this year? Do you need any help?

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Embracing Changes

During a couple years of downtime, I embraced a a meaningful idea: If it’s not a YES, it’s a no. This helped with big and small decisions, so when my daughter and others suggested a move to Portland Oregon (after 45 years in the islands), it was a “YES!” I have embraced this lovely town (I love walking towns), selling my car to only use public transportation (streetcar, bus, Uber, etc), joined the Portland Art Museum (a treasure), explored the Japanese and Chinese gardens, and more. The Gorge pass ($40 for a year) took me (and my youngest) along the…

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