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loveitaly is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of Italy’s unique cultural heritage and the world’s greatest living museum. The association, first of its kind to support conservation projects throughout Italy, has implemented mechanisms to accept private and corporate funding in Italy and from the United States, through a 501(c)3 organization, american friends of loveItaly.

loveitaly operates in collaboration with Italian ministries, superintendents for Italian monuments, fine arts institutes and museums, local and national authorities, church leaders and higher institutions of learning, including Italian and international universities and academies.

Crowdfunding Campaigns


COSA è Arte? – si avvicina la premiazione

Si avvicina la cerimonia di premiazione del nostro concorso “COSA è Arte?”, promosso da LoveItaly e realizzato con il supporto del partner tecnico ArtCentrica e in collaborazione con la FondazionePastificoCerere a Roma.Si svolgerà sabato 6 aprile alle 15:30 presso l’Hotel Bettoja Mediterraneo. 👋🏻Ci vediamo lì!

What a night!

The vernissage of our COSA è Arte contest, hosted at the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, was a captivating celebration of artistic expression. Attendees were treated to a diverse array of artworks, spanning from paintings to sculptures, each offering a unique glimpse into the artists’ creative visions Amidst the lively atmosphere, guests mingled and engaged in spirited


To the group exhibition featuring the finalists of our art contest COSA è Arte? On Saturday, March 9, 2024, the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome will host the exhibition, sponsored by LoveItaly and Bettoja Hotels, and produced with the assistance of our technical partner, ArtCentrica. The twenty finalist artworks explore the connection between art and


Hotel Bettoja Meditteraneo – 13 February 2024 in collaboration with American Club of Rome, PWA, American ExchangeThe American University of Rome, Martini and Friends, Temple University and sponsored by Bettoja Hotel MediterraneoCastello di Corbara💗First Med💗Laura MantoviMia Carmen Love was definitely in the air on Tuesday 13th February in the stunning Art Deco bar of the Hotel

LoveItaly - Brush

Do you have a cultural heritage restoration project in Italy to propose?  Loveitaly would love to hear from you.