By John, 4 June, 2024
John wearing a "Blue Eye Samurai" tee and looking gravely at the camera

😢 Today was one of the most challenging days of my life…

My day started off with two panic attacks, one of which my mind very conveniently scheduled for the waiting area of my therapist’s office. 😂 But I want to quickly assure you that I’m feeling much better now.

I’ve been slowly recognizing a past trauma and the panic was triggered when I realized that I only partially understand that trauma’s effects. I’ve still got work to do.

By John, 9 May, 2021
Tailwindcss > Bootstrap

At Drupalcon North America, I gave a presentation talking about my experience with the hot new CSS utility class system, Tailwind. I definitely learned a lot while working with it, the good, the bad, the ugly.

TLDR; Tailwind is better than Bootstrap.

The slides and video of the presentation are available in the presentations section of my website.

By John, 20 July, 2020
GraphQL in Twig queries additional data from the backend

At Drupalcon Global, I gave a presentation talking about a 3rd way to tackle rendering content from a CMS. The two standard ways are:

  1. Rendering it all on the server with the CMS, where the data provided may not match the design requirements
  2. Creating an API (JSON:API or GraphQL) on the backend that serves the data to a frontend written in JavaScript. But now you need to handle all the form handling yourself.

The third way is rendering on the server, but query for the exact data you need with GraphQL inside the server's frontend Twig files.