Official Journal of Integral Yoga® International

Founded in December 1969, Integral Yoga Magazine is a free monthly eMagazine featuring “Weekly Words of Wisdom” and all the same great content

it has for over 50 years: inspiring articles, program info, the latest news—and videos

Introduction to Integral Yoga®

An inspiring introduction to Integral Yoga: the wisdom teachings, global community, and international organization


Featured Posts

The Secret of Spiritual Practice

The secret of spiritual practice is not what you do but how you do—that is more important. Sometimes a newcomer who gets into spiritual practice will make a big list of resolutions, “I will practice half an hour every day in the morning, pranayama, three malas every...

Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey, Part 5: Guided by the Thirukkural

As a young boy, Ramu (Swami Satchidananda’s birthname was Ramaswamy, Ramu for short) was deeply immersed in Tamil culture and spirituality. One of the most significant influences in his life was the Thirukkural, a revered Tamil text written by the celebrated poet and...

10 Years ago: Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace

It was ten years ago, Saturday, June 7, 2014, to be precise that the "Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace Celebrating the Centennial Birth Year of Sri Swami Satchidananda" was held at the magnificent Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City....

“The Last Ecstatic Days”

Ethan Sisser, a young man with terminal brain cancer started livestreaming his death journey. Thousands joined to celebrate his courage. Honoring Ethan's wish, his doctor Aditi Sethi transported him to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. What...

A Journey with Sri Gurudev: Remembering Parameshwari Dinsmoor

Integral Yoga's beloved Parameshwari Mary Dinsmoor, an early disciple of Swami Satchidananda (Sri Gurudev), passed away on May 29, 2024, from cancer. Born on Oct. 6,1940, she was a true embodiment of love and selfless service and leaves behind a legacy of devotion,...

Integral Yoga Publication’s Newest Title: Practicing the Yoga Sutras

Integral Yoga® Publications is pleased to announce the release of our latest book: Practicing the Yoga Sutras: A Personal Study Guide & Journal, a faithful companion to the profound teachings found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Now available on Amazon in...

Harmony of the Soul: Alice Coltrane and the 1971 Benefit Concert for Integral Yoga

In March 2024, Impulse! Records (whose parent company is Universal Music Group), released the live recording of Alice Coltrane (Swamini A.C. Turiyasangitananda) that was part a benefit concert held in 1971 for the Integral Yoga Institute of New York. This new album...
Featured News
Bhakti Yoga Flowing!

Bhakti Yoga Flowing!

The 2024 Memorial Day weekend at Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville was an immersion in Bhakti Yoga, inspiration, and transformation. Kirtan legend Krishna Das shared four days of music, connection, and storytelling. Participants felt the Divine Presence through song and...

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“The Last Ecstatic Days”

“The Last Ecstatic Days”

Ethan Sisser, a young man with terminal brain cancer started livestreaming his death journey. Thousands joined to celebrate his courage. Honoring Ethan's wish, his doctor Aditi Sethi transported him to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. What...

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Explore Practice
The Secret of Spiritual Practice

The Secret of Spiritual Practice

The secret of spiritual practice is not what you do but how you do—that is more important. Sometimes a newcomer who gets into spiritual practice will make a big list of resolutions, “I will practice half an hour every day in the morning, pranayama, three malas every...

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The Divine Sound Within

The Divine Sound Within

Your practice of mantra repetition creates a sort of sound within. The sound is already in you. You are not doing anything new. That is the divine within you in the form of sound: namarupa, in Sanskrit. The Bible says that in the beginning there was the Word. That...

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The Glory of Santosha – Contentment

The Glory of Santosha – Contentment

“Contentment is golden. A contented mind is a golden mind.”  –Swami Satchidananda It’s funny how children enjoy the simplest of toys and teenagers relish in their relationships with their best friends, while a quiet transition commences during adulthood and suddenly...

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Explore Lifestyle
The Yin & Yang of Gerry Lopez

The Yin & Yang of Gerry Lopez

Gerry Lopez is not only a leading Yoga teacher, but one of the most influential surfers and surfboard shapers of all time. Known as "Mr. Pipeline"—for his mastery of the huge waves that form large, hollow, thick curls of water that surfers can tube ride—Lopez is an...

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How to Practice Loving-Kindness

How to Practice Loving-Kindness

Loving-kindness is probably known to many as the Buddhist practice of metta, The formal practice of metta begins beautifully, by directing kindness toward ourselves or to someone to whom we can easily feel goodwill. Once we take a moment to actually feel that energy...

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Explore Philosophy
Jnana Yoga’s Fourfold Sadhana

Jnana Yoga’s Fourfold Sadhana

The Fourfold Sadhana of Jnana Yoga consists of viveka, vairagya, shadshampat or sixfold virtues and mumukshutva or strong yearning for liberation. Viveka dawns in one who, through the grace of God, has done virtuous actions in their previous births as offerings unto...

Learning to Work Through Challenges: Tapas (Self-Discipline)

Learning to Work Through Challenges: Tapas (Self-Discipline)

"God knows your breaking point. You simply don't know your own strength." –Swami Satchidananda How many times have you been a safe container for those you care about?  What did it look like? What did it feel like? Challenging oneself to be disciplined or to attain a...

No Separate Little You

No Separate Little You

In this inspiring contemplation, renowned Yoga teacher Erich Schiffman offers an embodiment practice. He gently guides us toward the recognition that we only exist because "The All, The One, the only Mind, Consciousness or Presence in existence anywhere is what is...

Explore Education
Raja Yoga Teacher Training – June 2024 Online

Raja Yoga Teacher Training – June 2024 Online

Hosted by the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco, Swami Ramananda, Swami Divyananda, Kealoha DeLuz, and guest teacher Swami Vidyananda will teach the Integral Yoga® 300-hour Raja Yoga Teacher Training program. The program will be online and run in two parts from...

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Integral Yoga Meditation Teacher Training: July 2024

Integral Yoga Meditation Teacher Training: July 2024

Meditation Teacher Training with Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500 and Integral Yoga Senior Staff will be held July 22 – August 4, 2024 at Satchidananda Ashram Yogaville. Our whole life experience is based on the condition of the mind, how we perceive and respond to...

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Explore Health
The Health Benefits of Yoga with the Yoga MD

The Health Benefits of Yoga with the Yoga MD

In this inspiring and informative video, Integral Yoga's renowned Yoga MD, Dr. Sandra Amrita McLanahan, gives an overview of the health benefits of Yoga. She goes through each of the body's physiological systems to highlight these benefits. Citing the latest research,...

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The Healing Power of Pranayama

The Healing Power of Pranayama

Over ten years ago, a yogi friend went hiking up a steep mountain. She was wearing good shoes and enjoying the challenge, as well as the stunning view upon reaching the peak. Soon after she began her descent, she slipped and badly twisted her ankle. Immediately, she...

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Understanding Yogic Concepts of Health and Disease

Understanding Yogic Concepts of Health and Disease

Introduction Yoga is a spiritual science for the integrated and holistic development of our physical, mental and moral-spiritual aspects of being. The philosophy of Yoga is practical and applicable in our day-to-day living. Yoga has been documented to normalise...

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