Precursors Of Category Theory • 6

Hilbert and Ackermann • Principles of Mathematical Logic (1928)

For the intuitive interpretation on which we have hitherto based the predicate calculus, it was essential that the sentences and predicates should be sharply differentiated from the individuals, which occur as the argument values of the predicates.  Now, however, there is nothing to prevent us from considering the predicates and sentences themselves as individuals which may serve as arguments of predicates.

Consider, for example, a logical expression of the form (x)(A \rightarrow F(x)).  This may be interpreted as a predicate P(A, F) whose first argument place is occupied by a sentence A, and whose second argument place is occupied by a monadic predicate F.

A false sentence A is related to every F by the relation P(A, F);   a true sentence A only to those F for which (x)F(x) holds.

Further examples are given by the properties of reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity of dyadic predicates.  To these correspond three predicates:  \mathrm{Ref}(R), \mathrm{Sym}(R), and \mathrm{Tr}(R), whose argument R is a dyadic predicate.  These three properties are expressed in symbols as follows:

\begin{array}{l}  \mathrm{Ref}(R) \colon (x)R(x, x),  \\[6pt]  \mathrm{Sym}(R) \colon (x)(y)(R(x, y) \rightarrow R(y, x)),  \\[6pt]  \mathrm{Tr}(R) \colon (x)(y)(z)(R(x, y) \And R(y, z) \rightarrow R(x, z)).  \end{array}

All three properties are possessed by the predicate \equiv(x, y)   (x is identical with y).  The predicate <(x, y), on the other hand, possesses only the property of transitivity.  Thus the formulas \mathrm{Ref}(\equiv), \mathrm{Sym}(\equiv), \mathrm{Tr}(\equiv), and \mathrm{Tr}(<) are true sentences, whereas \mathrm{Ref}(<) and \mathrm{Sym}(<) are false.

Such predicates of predicates will be called predicates of second level.  (p. 135).

We have, first, predicates of individuals, and these are classified into predicates of different categories, or types, according to the number of their argument places.  Such predicates are called predicates of first level.

By a predicate of second level, we understand one whose argument places are occupied by names of individuals or by predicates of first level, where a predicate of first level must occur at least once as an argument.  The categories, or types, of predicates second level are differentiated according to the number and kind of their argument places.  (p. 152).


  • Hilbert, D. and Ackermann, W., Principles of Mathematical Logic, Robert E. Luce (trans.), Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1950.  1st published, Grundzüge der Theoretischen Logik, 1928.  2nd edition, 1938.  English translation with revisions, corrections, and added notes by Robert E. Luce, 1950.


cc: FB | Peirce MattersLaws of
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Abstraction, Ackermann, Aristotle, C.S. Peirce, Carnap, Category Theory, Hilbert, Kant, Logic, Logic of Relatives, Mathematics, Peirce, Peirce's Categories, Relation Theory, Saunders Mac Lane, Sign Relations, Type Theory | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Precursors Of Category Theory • 5

A demonstration rests in a finite number of steps.

G. Spencer Brown • Laws of Form

David Hilbert • “On the Infinite” (1925)

Finally, let us recall our real subject and, so far as the infinite is concerned, draw the balance of all our reflections.  The final result then is:  nowhere is the infinite realized;  it is neither present in nature nor admissible as a foundation in our rational thinking — a remarkable harmony between being and thought.  We gain a conviction that runs counter to the earlier endeavors of Frege and Dedekind, the conviction that, if scientific knowledge is to be possible, certain intuitive conceptions [Vorstellungen] and insights are indispensable;  logic alone does not suffice.  The right to operate with the infinite can be secured only by means of the finite.

The role that remains to the infinite is, rather, merely that of an idea — if, in accordance with Kant’s words, we understand by an idea a concept of reason that transcends all experience and through which the concrete is completed so as to form a totality — an idea, moreover, in which we may have unhesitating confidence within the framework furnished by the theory that I have sketched and advocated here.  (p. 392).


  • Hilbert, D. (1925), “On the Infinite”, pp. 369–392 in Jean van Heijenoort (1967/1977).
  • van Heijenoort, J. (1967/1977), From Frege to Gödel : A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879–1931, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1967. 2nd printing, 1972. 3rd printing, 1977.
  • Spencer Brown, G. (1969), Laws of Form, George Allen and Unwin, London, p. 54.


cc: FB | Peirce MattersLaws of
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Abstraction, Ackermann, Aristotle, C.S. Peirce, Carnap, Category Theory, Hilbert, Kant, Logic, Logic of Relatives, Mathematics, Peirce, Peirce's Categories, Relation Theory, Saunders Mac Lane, Sign Relations, Type Theory | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Precursors Of Category Theory • 4

C.S. Peirce • “Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism” (1906)

I will now say a few words about what you have called Categories, but for which I prefer the designation Predicaments, and which you have explained as predicates of predicates.

That wonderful operation of hypostatic abstraction by which we seem to create entia rationis that are, nevertheless, sometimes real, furnishes us the means of turning predicates from being signs that we think or think through, into being subjects thought of.  We thus think of the thought‑sign itself, making it the object of another thought‑sign.

Thereupon, we can repeat the operation of hypostatic abstraction, and from these second intentions derive third intentions.  Does this series proceed endlessly?  I think not.  What then are the characters of its different members?

My thoughts on this subject are not yet harvested.  I will only say that the subject concerns Logic, but that the divisions so obtained must not be confounded with the different Modes of Being:  Actuality, Possibility, Destiny (or Freedom from Destiny).

On the contrary, the succession of Predicates of Predicates is different in the different Modes of Being.  Meantime, it will be proper that in our system of diagrammatization we should provide for the division, whenever needed, of each of our three Universes of modes of reality into Realms for the different Predicaments.  (CP 4.549).

The first thing to extract from the above passage is that Peirce’s Categories, for which he uses the technical term “Predicaments”, are predicates of predicates.  Considerations of the order Peirce undertakes tend to generate hierarchies of subject matters, extending through what is traditionally called the logic of second intentions, or what is handled very roughly by second order logic in contemporary parlance, and continuing onward through higher intentions, or higher order logic and type theory.

Peirce arrived at his own system of three categories after a thoroughgoing study of his predecessors, with special reference to the categories of Aristotle, Kant, and Hegel.  The names he used for his own categories varied with context and occasion, but ranged from moderately intuitive terms like quality, reaction, and symbolization to maximally abstract terms like firstness, secondness, and thirdness.  Taken in full generality, k‑ness may be understood as referring to those properties all k‑adic relations have in common.  Peirce’s distinctive claim is that a type hierarchy of three levels is generative of all we need in logic.

Part of the justification for Peirce’s claim that three categories are necessary and sufficient appears to arise from mathematical facts about the reducibility of k‑adic relations.  With regard to necessity, triadic relations cannot be completely analyzed in terms or monadic and dyadic predicates.  With regard to sufficiency, all higher arity k‑adic relations can be analyzed in terms of triadic and lower arity relations.


  • Peirce, C.S. (1906), “Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism”, The Monist 16, 492–546, CP 4.530–572.


cc: FB | Peirce MattersLaws of
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Abstraction, Ackermann, Aristotle, C.S. Peirce, Carnap, Category Theory, Hilbert, Kant, Logic, Logic of Relatives, Mathematics, Peirce, Peirce's Categories, Relation Theory, Saunders Mac Lane, Sign Relations, Type Theory | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Precursors Of Category Theory • 3

Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.

Immanuel Kant (1785)

C.S. Peirce • “On a New List of Categories” (1867)

§1.  This paper is based upon the theory already established, that the function of conceptions is to reduce the manifold of sensuous impressions to unity, and that the validity of a conception consists in the impossibility of reducing the content of consciousness to unity without the introduction of it.  (CP 1.545).

§2.  This theory gives rise to a conception of gradation among those conceptions which are universal.  For one such conception may unite the manifold of sense and yet another may be required to unite the conception and the manifold to which it is applied;  and so on.  (CP 1.546).

Cued by Kant’s idea regarding the function of concepts in general, Peirce locates his categories on the highest levels of abstraction able to provide a meaningful measure of traction in practice.  Whether successive grades of conceptions converge to an absolute unity or not is a question to be pursued as inquiry progresses and need not be answered in order to begin.


cc: FB | Peirce MattersLaws of
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Abstraction, Ackermann, Aristotle, C.S. Peirce, Carnap, Category Theory, Hilbert, Kant, Logic, Logic of Relatives, Mathematics, Peirce, Peirce's Categories, Relation Theory, Saunders Mac Lane, Sign Relations, Type Theory | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Precursors Of Category Theory • 2

Thanks to art, instead of seeing one world only, our own, we see that world multiply itself and we have at our disposal as many worlds as there are original artists …

☙ Marcel Proust

When it comes to looking for the continuities of the category concept across different systems and systematizers, we don’t expect to find their kinship in the names or numbers of categories, since those are legion and their divisions deployed on widely different planes of abstraction, but in their common function.


Things are equivocally named, when they have the name only in common, the definition (or statement of essence) corresponding with the name being different.  For instance, while a man and a portrait can properly both be called animals (ζωον), these are equivocally named.  For they have the name only in common, the definitions (or statements of essence) corresponding with the name being different.  For if you are asked to define what the being an animal means in the case of the man and the portrait, you give in either case a definition appropriate to that case alone.

Things are univocally named, when not only they bear the same name but the name means the same in each case — has the same definition corresponding.  Thus a man and an ox are called animals.  The name is the same in both cases;  so also the statement of essence.  For if you are asked what is meant by their both of them being called animals, you give that particular name in both cases the same definition.  (Aristotle, Categories, 1.1a1–12).

Translator’s Note.  “Ζωον in Greek had two meanings, that is to say, living creature, and, secondly, a figure or image in painting, embroidery, sculpture.  We have no ambiguous noun.  However, we use the word ‘living’ of portraits to mean ‘true to life’.”

In the logic of Aristotle categories are adjuncts to reasoning whose function is to resolve ambiguities and thus to prepare equivocal signs, otherwise recalcitrant to being ruled by logic, for the application of logical laws.  The example of ζωον illustrates the fact that we don’t need categories to make generalizations so much as to control generalizations, to reign in abstractions and analogies which have been stretched too far.


  • Aristotle, “The Categories”, Harold P. Cooke (trans.), pp. 1–109 in Aristotle, Volume 1, Loeb Classical Library, William Heinemann, London, UK, 1938.
  • Karpeles, Eric (2008), Paintings in Proust, Thames and Hudson, London, UK.


cc: FB | Peirce MattersLaws of
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Abstraction, Ackermann, Aristotle, C.S. Peirce, Carnap, Category Theory, Hilbert, Kant, Logic, Logic of Relatives, Mathematics, Peirce, Peirce's Categories, Relation Theory, Saunders Mac Lane, Sign Relations, Type Theory | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Precursors Of Category Theory • 1

A few years ago I began a sketch on the “Precursors of Category Theory”, tracing the continuities of the category concept from Aristotle, to Kant and Peirce, through Hilbert and Ackermann, to contemporary mathematical practice.  My notes on the project are still very rough and incomplete but I find myself returning to them from time to time.


Now the discovery of ideas as general as these is chiefly the willingness to make a brash or speculative abstraction, in this case supported by the pleasure of purloining words from the philosophers:  “Category” from Aristotle and Kant, “Functor” from Carnap (Logische Syntax der Sprache), and “natural transformation” from then current informal parlance.

— Saunders Mac Lane • Categories for the Working Mathematician


cc: FB | Peirce MattersLaws of
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Abstraction, Ackermann, Aristotle, C.S. Peirce, Carnap, Category Theory, Hilbert, Kant, Logic, Logic of Relatives, Mathematics, Peirce, Peirce's Categories, Relation Theory, Saunders Mac Lane, Sign Relations, Type Theory | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Survey of Precursors Of Category Theory • 5

A few years ago I began a sketch on the “Precursors of Category Theory”, tracing the continuities of the category concept from Aristotle, to Kant and Peirce, through Hilbert and Ackermann, to contemporary mathematical practice.  A Survey of resources on the topic is given below, still very rough and incomplete, but perhaps a few will find it of use.


Blog Series

Categories à la Peirce

cc: FB | Peirce MattersLaws of
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Abstraction, Ackermann, Analogy, Aristotle, C.S. Peirce, Carnap, Category Theory, Diagrams, Foundations of Mathematics, Functional Logic, Hilbert, History of Mathematics, Hypostatic Abstraction, Kant, Logic, Mathematics, Peirce, Propositions As Types Analogy, Relation Theory, Saunders Mac Lane, Semiotics, Type Theory, Universals | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Transformations of Logical Graphs • Discussion 1

Re: Laws of FormMauro Bertani

Dear Mauro,

The couple of pages linked below give the clearest and quickest introduction I’ve been able to manage so far when it comes to the elements of logical graphs, at least, in the way I’ve come to understand them.  The first page gives a lot of detail by way of motivation and computational implementation, so you could easily put that off till you feel a need for it.  The second page lays out the precise axioms or initials I use — the first algebraic axiom varies a bit from Spencer Brown for a better fit with C.S. Peirce — and also shows the parallels between the dual interpretations.

Additional Resources

cc: FB | Logical GraphsLaws of
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Amphecks, Animata, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions, C.S. Peirce, Cactus Graphs, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Deduction, Diagrammatic Reasoning, Duality, Equational Inference, Graph Theory, Interpretive Duality, Laws of Form, Logic, Logical Graphs, Mathematics, Minimal Negation Operators, Model Theory, Painted Cacti, Proof Theory, Propositional Calculus, Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems, Spencer Brown, Visualization | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Transformations of Logical Graphs • 14

Semiotic Transformations

Re: Transformations of Logical Graphs • (8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)

Completing our scan of the Table in Episode 8, the last orbit up for consideration contains the logical graphs for the boolean functions f_{6} and f_{9}.

\text{Interpretive Duality} \stackrel{_\bullet}{} \text{Difference and Equality}

Interpretive Duality • Difference and Equality

The boolean functions f_{6} and f_{9} are known as logical difference and logical equality, respectively.  The values taken by f_{6} and f_{9} for each pair of arguments (x, y) in \mathbb{B} \times \mathbb{B} and the text expressions for their logical graphs are given in the following Table.

Truth Table • Difference and Equality


cc: FB | Logical GraphsLaws of Form • Mathstodon •
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Amphecks, Animata, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions, C.S. Peirce, Cactus Graphs, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Deduction, Diagrammatic Reasoning, Duality, Equational Inference, Graph Theory, Interpretive Duality, Laws of Form, Logic, Logical Graphs, Mathematics, Minimal Negation Operators, Model Theory, Painted Cacti, Proof Theory, Propositional Calculus, Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems, Spencer Brown, Visualization | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Transformations of Logical Graphs • 13

Semiotic Transformations

Re: Transformations of Logical Graphs • (8)(9)(10)(11)(12)

Continuing our scan of the Table in Episode 8, the next orbit contains the logical graphs for the boolean functions f_{8} and f_{14}.

\text{Interpretive Duality} \stackrel{_\bullet}{} \text{Conjunction and Disjunction}

Interpretive Duality • Conjunction and Disjunction

The boolean functions f_{8} and f_{14} are called logical conjunction and logical disjunction, respectively.  The values taken by f_{8} and f_{14} for each pair of arguments (x, y) in \mathbb{B} \times \mathbb{B} and the text expressions for their logical graphs are given in the following Table.

Truth Table • Conjunction and Disjunction


cc: FB | Logical GraphsLaws of Form • Mathstodon •
cc: Conceptual GraphsCyberneticsStructural ModelingSystems Science

Posted in Amphecks, Animata, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions, C.S. Peirce, Cactus Graphs, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Deduction, Diagrammatic Reasoning, Duality, Equational Inference, Graph Theory, Interpretive Duality, Laws of Form, Logic, Logical Graphs, Mathematics, Minimal Negation Operators, Model Theory, Painted Cacti, Proof Theory, Propositional Calculus, Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems, Spencer Brown, Visualization | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments